Articles written by Sharon Tullar

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  • Jewell

    Sharon Tullar|Oct 22, 2020

    Jewell’s history: On June 8, 1874, Lodge No. 116 I.O.O.F. was chartered at Jewell. Samuel F. Burdett, special deputy grand master, assisted by W. H. McDonald of Cawker City Lodge No. 87, organized the Jewell chapter. The following charter members composed the organization: Samuel Porter, Wm. H. Record, M. V. Price, H. C. Jennings, D. H. Bloom, and C. C. Reynolds. At the same time the visiting cards of Wm. H. Cameron, J. R. Scroggs, and John Hoffer Lodge No. 372, Orangeville, Ill., were presented and the bearers admitted to the lodge. H. C. J...

  • Jewell

    Sharon Tullar|Oct 15, 2020

    Jewell History: The Masons of Jewell City and vicinity met in the county hall at Jewell City, on Saturday evening, Dec. 21, 1872. J. D. Robertson acted as chairman of this meeting and L. M. Butts acted as secretary. The group balloted for officers for the proposed new lodge with the following result: J. C. Postlethwaite, W.M.; W. M. Allen, S.W.; J. H. Fox, J.W.; J. S. Foster, secretary; O. L. McClung, treasurer. The worshipful master-elect then appointed the following officers; L. M. Butts, S.D.; E. Barker, J.D.; E. D. Randall, S.S.; J. B.... Full story

  • Jewell

    Sharon Tullar|Sep 10, 2020

    Early Jewell businessman, John Calvin Postlethwaite was born in August 1848 in Mifflin County, Pennsylvania. He died Nov. 26. 1910, at Jewell. In 1869, he came to Kansas and entered employment at the Blue Valley Bank at Manhattan. He was the bank’s cashier and bookkeeper. In 1870, he married Louise D. McClung, sister of W. C. McClung of Jewell. In the spring of 1870, he filed on his homestead 2 1⁄2 miles north of Jewell. Sometime in 1873 he moved to town. In 1880 he built the first building on the south side of the square and organized the Jew...

  • Jewell Items

    Sharon Tullar, Jewell County Record|Apr 2, 2020

    Jewell News for April 2 Jewell History: Answer to last week’s question was F. B. Gifford and Wm. Chaney were the two men that constructed a telephone line from the office of the Chicago Lumber Co. to the store of J. D. Robertson. This week: What was the name of the theatre in early Jewell City? Due to the unknowns of the coronavirus, the Jewell Alumni officers had decided to cancel the 2020 Jewell Alumni Banquet scheduled for May 23. Save the date of May 20, 2021 for next year, when this year’s 50-year class and next year’s will be honor...

  • Jewell

    Sharon Tullar|Mar 12, 2020

    Our sympathy to the family of Dorothy Boger, formerly of Jewell. Dorothy was the mother of Charli Barrett, who taught in the Jewell schools for a time. Dorothy was born Nov. 16, 1922 and died March 3, 2020. Jewell City-wide Spring Cleanup day is coming next month, Monday, April. 20. Congratulations to four young men on the Beloit FFA team for placing third out of 25 teams last week at the NCK-Tech GMAW welding contest. Jacob Burks, son of Josh and Erin Burks, a member of the team, placed fourth in the individual competition. Congratulations,...

  • Jewell

    Sharon Tullar|Feb 13, 2020

    My apologies to the Jewell County readers. It seems I had the day and place both wrong last week. I was told it is to be at 2 p.m., Feb. 24 at the Randall Library. Sorry. The book under discussion is “Summer Island” by Kristin Hannah. The Jewell County’s Sheriff’s office reports the following Rock Hills High School SAFE winners for January. They were Haley Garst, freshman; Sam Underwood, senior; Jerod Gillet, junior, and Conner Cosand, sophomore. Haley is a resident of Jewell. Congratulations to all the winners. Beloit High School Homecoming wa...