Soil Health Tour to Imperial on Aug. 27
Wine Glass Ranch is in southwest Nebraska. It is located where the Sandhills of Nebraska meet the Sand-Sage hills of Colorado. The Sand County Foundation, national sponsor American Farmland Trust and several prominent state conservation partners presented the Leopold Conservation Award to the ranch in 2022. The ranch was an early pioneer in no-till and rotational grazing. Wildlife populations have increased as habitat was improved using the Conservation Reserve Program to plant acres back to grass and including pollinator mixes on some of those acres. Wetlands have been developed, plus tree and shrub plantings are providing habitat and food. Both wildlife and livestock have benefited from the use of high tensile fencing on the ranch's grazing lands. In addition, pipelines and tanks have been installed throughout the ranch to increase livestock grazing distribution. A goal of Wine Glass Ranch is to have "easy keeping cows that require less labor and are more efficient." They want their cows to work for them!
Jewell County Conservation District is sponsoring a tour to the ranch on Tuesday, Aug. 27. The morning drive time on the Soil Health Tour will include videos of the ranch itself. Attendees can familiarize themselves with the ranch and practices that have been implemented to improve soil health, water quality, livestock stocking rates and wildlife habitat.
Several speakers will have short presentations during the morning travel. Subjects will include planning assistance and available cost-share. Locations with increased incentives will also be reviewed. Those speakers will be available for questions that come up during the day. Bus riders will also have to opportunity to visit with each other and compare notes, on what's been successful and what hasn't worked as well, as they travel.
NRCS Staff will be available to answer questions from local producers. Sign-up deadlines and cost-share opportunities will be discussed.
Kansas Alliance for Wetlands & Streams (KAWS) will have information on funds available to assist producers with land located in the Milford Lake WRAPS area in Jewell, Republic, Cloud and Clay counties. These include, but aren't limited to, planting cover crops plus watering sources for livestock that are grazing on those cover crop fields. "Milford WRAPS assists landowners in adopting Best Management Practices (BMP's) within priority areas of the watershed," according to Bryan Sorensen – Watershed Coordinator. In addition, Sorensen said, "The goal is to limit bacteria, sediment and nutrients that enter the water system through conservation ag practices that are both feasible and economical." Map of the eligible areas is included with this article.
Troy Munsch, from the Kansas Association of Conservation Districts (KACD) will review the Kansas Incentives through the ADM Program "re-generations" program. This is the third year KACD has partnered with ADM. KAC & ADM have set a goal of enrolling 200,000 acres of cover crops in the program. In 2023, Kansas farmers and ranchers enrolled approximately 190,000 acres in the program. Incentives in 2024 include $10 to $25 acre for cover crops planted in 2024, as well as potential payments on wheat acres harvested in 2024
Remember: Charter bus loads at 6:45 a.m., Tuesday, Aug. 27 from the Mankato Livestock Inc parking lot, 810 N Commercial, Mankato, Kansas.
A rest stop in Oberlin is planned. Water and snacks will be provided.
A complimentary noon time meal will be served at the ranch during the tour.
Please RSVP Call 785-378-3731, ext 3, or email sherry.koster to reserve a seat.
On the return trip, the tour will stop in McCook, Nebraska. Participants will be responsible for their evening meal.
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