JC Commissioners hear of rabies cases

The Jewell County Commissioners met on Nov. 25. Commissioners Keith Roe, Ed Duskie and Brent Beck were present. Myka Zadina, Carla Waugh, county clerk, and Ervin Underwood, Commissioner Elect District 2, were present at the meeting.

The following were present for the office head meeting and provided an update for their department: Carla Waugh, county clerk; Myka Zadina; James A. Vaughan IV, solid waste director; Chris Petet, custodian; Anna Porter, county appraiser; Cindy Becker, health administrator; and Kevin Peroutek, noxious weed director, emergency preparedness director and 911 coordinator. Those absent: Brenda Eakins, treasurer; Shannon Meier, ambulance director; Amanda Davis, register of deeds; Don Jacobs, sheriff; Nora Rhoades, Post Rock Extension District director; Scott Wright, county attorney; and Joel Elkins, general superintendent.

Chris Petet reported the chemical pump on the boiler needs replaced.

Anna Porter said she is preparing for payment under protest hearings. She said they finished the 17 percent reinspection of property. Anna is collecting information on new construction. She said the ag values will most likely go down for 2025.

Cindy Becker said they investigated a second rabies case for a bat and have a third case they are testing. She said Dakota Alvarez joined the North Central Area Breast Feeding group and they are providing a program at the library. Cindy Becker and Michelle Lindberg attended the Emergency Preparedness Summit. The department continues to provide flu, RSV and COVID shots.

Kevin Peroutek said he is training a new sprayer operator. Kevin attended the weed director’s meeting, co-sponsored with Mitchell County. He will be ordering chemicals before the end of the year. He also attended the Health Care Coalition as well as the Emergency Preparedness Summit.

James Vaughan said that PJ Owens notified him that there will be a rate increase for hauling trash. He also said a new C&D Pit will need to be dug by summer.

Carla Waugh reported the clerk’s office completed the tax abstract and submitted it to the state property valuation department. They also completed all required reporting to the secretary of state for the November election. The clerk’s office has submitted all the budgets to Municipal Services.

Brent Beck said he attended the Juvenile Detention Center Board meeting and the hospital board meeting. He said the commissioners have been working on employee evaluations.

Ed Duskie said he attended the JCCDA meeting and Area Agency on Aging meeting in Jewell. He reported the LEPG applied for a grant to help residents with sewer or well projects. He also handled several road complaints.

Joel Elkins, general superintendent, reported that one of the county’s pup trailers tipped over. He said Mark Kerstner, motor grader operator, resigned as of Dec. 3. They have been hauling gravel in various places throughout the county. Brent Beck has received calls about potholes on the Webber black top.

Daniel Pierce’s emergency vehicle permit was approved.


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