The Jewell County Community Foundation Grant Awards Committee met on May 25 and allocate funding to various organizations in Jewell County.
The grants were awarded as follows: Esbon Rural Fire District $7,018 for new communication devices and a water monitor, Jewell County EMS $9,364 for a Powerpro cot, Jewell County Fire District 6 $7,600 for Forestry Monitor Joystick, the City of Esbon $5,200 for a new storage unit, the City of Jewell $10,000 to update its community center, the City of Mankato $3,000 for park repairs, the Jewell County Historical Society $17,991 for developing attractions relative to Columbian Mammoths, and lastly, Western Kansas Child Advocacy Center $500 for supplies to provide services to abused children.
These awards were made possible with joint funding from the Jewell County Community Fund and Dane G. Hansen Foundation.
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