LFC planning fall carnival

It’s early October and planning is well underway for the annual Harvest Festival sponsored each fall by the Living Faith Fellowship Church. In previous years the festival was described as a carnival.

After an absence of several years, this year’s event is returning to the newly upgraded Superior Auditorium. That is where the annual carnival started but after the auditorium was closed by a tight fisted city council that had grown tired of the annual appropriation needed to fund the building’s operation.

The facility is now privately owned and subsidized by private donations.

While the auditorium was closed, the church tried several venues including an outdoor location on Central Avenue. That location worked well when the weather cooperated but wasn’t so good if it was cold, wet or windy.

Flyers promoting the event note the auditorium is now heated.

Games will be played both inside the auditorium and on the lawn south of the building.

Bull riding and football toss will be provided by Rockit Events from Kearney.

Children and adults are both invited to attend and play the games. It will be held from 6:30 to 8:30 Sunday evening, Oct. 31.

Donations from area businesses financially support the event.

The event was not held last year.


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