Love my crazy life

Happy birthday, Merica! I hope everyone made it through the holiday with all their fingers and toes intact. We did not do a lot of fireworks this year. In fact, I had the kids help in the yard this weekend to earn money to purchase said fire hazards, and they chose not to spend it all at the fireworks stand. I was impressed.

We have a full house this week. Our Omaha boys are down to visit and will be here for 10 days. I may not survive; that’s a lot of dishes and laundry. It amazes me how many bowls and cups a family of five can go through in one day. I’ve tried not feeding them; it doesn’t work, they still find a way. LOL!

I’m so happy with our progress in the yard this weekend. There is still more to do, so much more, but at least all the weeds have been knocked down, and it will hopefully stay manageable. I gave up on the weedeater and bought an electric one. Our neighbor had loaned us his, and after I ran his battery down, I immediately went and got my own. I will never own a gasoline one again. I always seem to have the worst luck with yard equipment. I still need to put down the weed and feed, but that means I will have to water; water means it will grow, and when it grows, I have to mow! Not sure I like that idea! LOL!

I need to get started painting the exterior of the house. I purchased five gallons of primer more than a month ago and haven’t scraped a single board yet. My best guess is that it will take around 20 to 25 gallons of primer and paint for this giant house, which puts me in the $1,500 to $2,000 price range. I’m afraid I didn’t think this through long enough. I’m always telling the kids, you’re poor, start acting like it. Someone should have reminded me of that when I said, “Heck ya, I’ll take that house!”

I’ll be lucky to get it primed this year. I hate that the only thing standing between my home and me having a little curb appeal is the “good’ol’dollar.” So I work to make more dollars and then don’t have time to give the ol’gal a makeover because I’m working more to pay for the makeover. It’s a never-ending cycle, but I will get there.

Last night the oldest was home which was a nice change. We sat on the patio after everyone else had gone to bed and talked about everything and nothing for two hours. Then we washed the dishes we had forgotten entirely before heading to bed. It made for a short night, and it was hard to wake up in the morning, but I wouldn’t trade that time for the world.

Despite every attempt of mine to deter him from the Marine Corps, he is so excited to go. I am happy for him, and I hope he loves it just as much as he thinks he will. It’s funny when I think of him, I see a little guy in my head, and sometimes when I look at him, I almost don’t recognize him. He has grown into a handsome capable young man, and I guess I best get used to it. Robert is now 21, and I still see him as a little guy. Maybe I always will. X’s & O’s.


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