190 members of family hold reunion

The descents of Clint (C. R. ) and Leone Edwards of Hardy met over the weekend for a family reunion.

The three-day event drew 190 family members. Friday evening they got together in Nelson at the home of Tom and Kim Gebers.

Saturday the group met at the home of Kelly and Kris Kraus of rural Superior. Earlier in the day, several played golf at the Superior Country Club, swam in the Superior pool and looked at the many items displayed in the Hardy Museum.

On Sunday the group met for lunch at the home of Jim and Donna Miller in Superior after attending a worship service at the Union Church of Hardy.

There are only four of the 12 children of C. R. and Leone still living. They are Glen (Dane) of Hardy, Margaret Tomlinson of Lincoln, Nebraska, Donna Miller of Superior and Kenny Edwards of Sabetha, Kansas.

Edwards relatives came to Nuckolls County for the reunion from many communities in Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Iowa, New Mexico, Florida and Arizona.


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