
“Stupid, smart people . . .”

I heard this phrase for the first time maybe a year or so ago. It took me a while to understand what was meant by it. A national radio commentator used it every so often and I had to listen closely to understand just what he meant.

To understand what is meant a person has to realize that there are many very well educated people around the earth and they do well for themselves and others. Quite often we give these people respect and understanding as they are often “experts” in their field of learning. They are sometimes “smart” in their field of endeavor and we come to rely on their advice in that field of knowledge.

However, as a society, it seems that we have come too often to rely on these “smart” people for advice in areas they have no expertise in and most likely don’t know a whole lot more than you and me in areas other than their field of endeavor.

So, it’s kind of like the genius in math doesn’t know how to write a sentence in English.

It seems that reliance on these people have helped grow our economy, our businesses and country. In fact I suspect we have come to rely on them for too much.

They have most likely earned all the respect they deserve . . . in their field of expertise and it is easy to put our trust in them in other fields of expertise as well. Quite often they can help society, but too often, they are no better qualified than you or me.

I’ve come to like the phrase: “stupid, smart people”, now that I understand what is meant by it. We actually do have a number of people that fit that description in our society and I hope you take the time to understand what the intention of the phrase is.

This is especially important in an election year. Please be careful of all the election jargon that is going around.

I wish I could advise you on what to believe and what not to believe, but there are so many example in society, it just takes your own common sense to decide what to believe, or what not to believe.

Enjoy, the next four months before the November election, it’s going to be fun.


I just finished a book, called “The Last Train From Berlin.” It was written by a young man who worked as a newspaper writer in the later 1930s and early 1940s in Germany. He tells of his experiences in Germany in the years Hitler earned his power and the early years of WWII.

He covered a lot of material, but in general he talked of how Hitler was able to fool so many of the German citizens. He had high prize for the German people, but Hitler was able to get around them by several methods.

Sometime in our recent past, you heard a Democrat use the phrase “Don’t let a crisis go to waste.” Or something to that extent.

What was meant was no matter what happens a person can use that to further his own agenda.

Hitler, for example, made Winston Churchill the evil villain out for the destruction of Germany. The German bombing of England was defensive and Hitler was defending the German people.

When it became evident the English would not cave-in easily, he turned to Austria and those people were really German after all and they would be better in the German empire. After that, Poland and other countries were really trying to subdue Germany and that was the reason Germany had to attack them.

Finally, Russia. He convinced the German people they were the bad guys, out to destroy Germany and they were made the enemy.

The U. S. of A. and Mr. Roosevelt became a favorite enemy, thus using America as a means to convince the German people they were just defending themselves as German vessels killed Americans and sank untold millions of pounds of goods in the North Atlantic right along with it.

The author of the book in general has a good opinion of the German people. It was just interesting how Hitler used things to convince the people he was doing everything he could to protect them and for the good of Germany.

It so happened that I finished the book this past weekend and was watching the national news on one of the major news channels. There for all the people to see was our current president talking about a ten year old girl being raped and with the recent Supreme Court ruling on abortion, she would have to travel out of her home state to have an abortion.

He was doing all he could to convince people the Supreme Court decision was not only wrong, but also very bad, in and of itself.

For the Liberals among us, the Supreme Court decision on abortion was wrong and they have been trying everything to convince us of that theory.

I like to think they are not trying to lead us into a war of some kind, However, I could not help but relate the actions of the 1930s and 1940s to just last week.

I have no idea the story Mr. Biden was telling was truthful, or not. But he was not going to let this action pass without him trying to get something out of it.

We’re about one hundred years away from WWII, but it seems that people are still using the same methods to do what they would like to do . . . right or wrong.

I would like to think there will never be another person like Adolph Hitler around here, although I know there are. However, when I hear about the Liberals today using the same tactic . . . I worry.



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