Power Pool warns of energy shortages

The Nebraska Municipal Power Pool’s July newsletter contains discouraging words for area residents.

While there have been lots of stories published about rising diesel and gasoline prices, not much has been said about our country’s electrical and natural gas supplies.

United States natural gas prices have been on the upswing since 2020 and recently were the highest since 2008.

For perspective, the newsletter reported the spot market price of natural was in the low $2 per MMBtu range in 2020. Since then it climbed to nearly $9 per MMBtu before falling into the $7 range in late June.

Natural gas production decreased significantly during 2020, while demand rose. Much of the increase was attributed to electric power generation. Exports of liquefied natural gas are increasing to meet the demand once met by Russian natural gas.

The expected hot summer will probably decrease the amount of gas placed in storage for winter time use.

The electric power story isn’t any brighter.

Significant parts of the nation’s electric system face increase reliability risks this summer according to a report issued by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation.

The Southwest Power Pool, which serves both Kansas and Nebraska and 12 other states, has been placed in the elevated risk category for shortages this summer.

The power pool disagrees and offers a brighter note. It has said it expects to have enough generating capacity to meet this summer’s load requirements.


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