Country Roads

This month features several historical and memorial events we should keep in our hearts and minds. At the end of WWII, the Japanese signed surrender papers in 1945. The Benghazi Attack occurred in 2012. The terrorist attack destroying the Twin Towers and killing more than 3,000 people. Recently Queen Elizabeth II died at the age of 96, England’s longest reigning monarch. Certainly there were other historic events that occurred through the years in September but these stand out the most in my mind.

Currently our attention is drawn to the death of the Queen of England. I grew up viewing and hearing about her and her family. My generation learned about her service to her country as a young woman during WWII. Her royal wedding ceremony to her prince was shown all over the world. We saw her accept her destination when she was crowned queen.

Then there were the many photos and news reports of her children and all they were doing. There were the news reports of the many counties she traveled to and all the leaders she met. There were scenes of her riding horses, attending events and special occasions that drew her and her family out onto the famous balcony. We heard the reports of the trouble her family had, all the happy family times including births of grandchildren and the weddings of her sons and daughter. Then there were the deaths in the royal family and how the queen handled the grief. Her fashions were constantly being evaluated. Through out her life, her reign seemed to go without blemish. She was termed to be a great queen. It was brought out she truly cared for her country and its people. Soon we will be viewing her royal funeral on television and reading about it in papers.

For most of us, we will never forget the terrible deaths and destruction that happened when the terrorists hijacked airplanes and flew them into the Twin Towers in New York and the Pentagon. Another hijacked airplane targeted the White House, but was overtaken by brave people aboard the airplane and it crashed. Thetr were lives lost when an attack was made on the American Embassy in Benghazi. Many believe this event was never dealt with correctly.

The other historic event in 1945 was when the Japanese signed the surrender that ended the Pacific War of WWII, where many American soldiers died for their country. This event was very important to me as my father was a WWII soldier who participated in the Pacific War. He lived through the Battle of Iwo Jima and came home, married and I was his first born.

History is important. We learn from history, the good events and the not so good events. Let us not destroy history.


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