Car crashes into Velvet Rose cafe

We have been told the morning coffee crowd gathered at the Velvet Rose had a bit of unexpected excitement on Tuesday morning when a car jumped the curb and crashed into the front of the cafe located at the north edge of Superior. No one was hurt but the cafe building and automobile were damaged. There have been several similar incidents throughout Superior in recent months. The Dollar General Store, Casey’s Country Store and the State Farm Insurance office have all been hit but none of the stories are as spectacular as one that dates to the 1940s.

The files of this newspaper tell of an accident in the 1940s when a car parked on the west side of main street, was backed across the street, went between two parked cars and crashed into the front of the building on the east side of the street occupied by the Mariska Photo Studio. The story doesn’t specifically say but it infers the woman driver and the man riding with her may have been sampling the wares offered for sale in a business located on the west side of the street.


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