September 2022 Keenagers Report

Spaghetti and garlic bread was served at the Sept.15 meeting of the Keenagers. Twenty-six Keenagers and four workers enjoyed the meal. Rich and Judy Menke furnished wine to go with the meal. 

Door prizes went to Larry Faimon, fruit snacks; Mary Faimon, tea towel; Bob Himmelberg, fruit juice and Glenda Herz, fall decoration. 

Winners at the bingo table were high (tie) Bonnie Himmelberg and Eileen Buschkoetter and low, Kathy Rischling. 

Winners at the card tables were high Larry Faimon and low (tie) Marita Lukasek and Arnie Krebsbach. 

The next gathering will be on Thursday, Oct. 20. Marilyn and Cindy will be serving pancakes, sausage and juice. Those attending do not need to bring anything this time.


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