Country Roads

Be prepared as it’s almost Halloween! It’s time for the children to decide what they are going to dress up as for the “trick or treating” as they make their plans to visit from house to house. They come with their bags, knocking or ringing door bells. As soon as the door opens, they proudly shout out, “Trick or Treat.” Their bags are filled with candies. Soon afterwards, it’s time to return to their homes and inspect their sacks to see what treats are inside.

Most people look forward to seeing the visiting children dressed up and try to guess who they are. Living in the country without many young children in the area, our “trick and treaters” are few. The children who once came around are now in high school and college. We still are prepared in case someone stops by.

My childhood Halloween memories are of church youth group parties of dressing up in appropriate costumes and holding weiner roasts in a church member’s pasture. My father would transport his daughters around to the neighbors collecting candy and funds to aid the UNICEF organization. At our country school, it was an exciting celebration with artwork, carving pumpkins and reading spooky poems. I remember a Halloween story our teacher read to us that kept us spellbound, “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.” Our country school held a once a month nightly community meeting. In October of course everyone who cared to dressed up in costume could do so and there was also musical entertainment and Halloween refreshments. One of the games played at the October community meeting was Bobbing for Apples.

One of the best Halloween parties I attended as an adult was held at a neighboring church, where everyone was asked to dress up as a Biblical character. Bible trivia was played, and prizes were given for the best costume.

The church near our farm hosts an annual Halloween Community Party where participants can dress in costume if they care to. There are hay rack rides, and a potluck supper. It’s a fun time and keeps the community connected.

My hometown is preparing for a Trunk and Treat event and my hubby and I hope to participate this year. Costume prizes will be given, and food will be handed out.

Whether you decide to be the trick or treater, or hand out the treats so you won’t be tricked, here’s hoping you have a happy and safe Halloween!


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