Sheriff's department receives $18,800 grant for computers

The Jewell County commissioners met Oct. 17, with commissioners Steve Greene, Brent Beck and Keith Roe present. Carla J. Waugh, county clerk was also present.

The commissioners approved the request by Chris Petet, custodian, for permission to purchase furniture for the dispatch waiting area from Amazon.

Glenn Anthony Wyatt discussed the possibility of rocking the road by section 23 of Holmwood.

Don Jacobs, sheriff, said the department received a grant for $18,800 for replacing computers and stands in the patrol vehicles.

Joel Elkins, general superintendent, discussed maintenance projects.

Cindy Becker, health administrator, had sealed bids for the 2009 Dodge Journey. The commissiones accepted the bid of $2,509.99 from Mary Ann Meier for the 2009 Dodge Journey.

Jeremy McGuire, Group Sales Advisor BCBS of Kansas, reviewed the renewal policy with two options. The 2023 premiums increased 21.5 percent. The commissioners approved to go with the policy to remove the reserves.

Casey Fraiser, Foley Tractor, stopped by to visit.


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