Keenagers held their October meeting

Pancakes, sausage and juice were served at the Oct. 20th Keenagers meeting. Twenty-two Keenagers and three workers enjoyed the meal. Birthday people were Barbara Janda and Ray Rischling.

Door prize winners were Patty Kucera, pudding; Kathy Rischling, muffin mix; Dolores Kucera, microwave cover; and Judy Menke, fall decor. 

Winners at the bingo table were high, Bonnie (Don) Himmelberg  and low, Kathy Rischling. 

Winners at the one card table were all three Dolores Kucera, Rita Mazour and Arnie Krebsbach. 

Next meeting will be Nov. 17. Marilyn and Cindy will be serving the Thanksgiving dinner: turkey, dressing, potatoes and gravy. Those attending, please bring the trimmings. Gobble on down on the 17th for a fun day, good food day and great fellowship day.


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