Love my crazy life

Have you ever been so anxious you felt claustrophobic in your skin? It sounds strange, I know, but that’s how I feel right now. I’m a stressed mess! This is why I hate traveling. In case you missed it last week, we are flying to San Diego to see Jacob officially become a Marine.

I have been stress cleaning, making lists, organizing and delegating all weekend, and I have yet to pack one thing into a suitcase. Why is it so hard to decide what to wear for four days? Ill tell you why, Because I’ve never been to California. Do I take sweaters or T-shirts? Shorts or jeans? Flip flops or tennis shoes?

Why must I overthink, over-plan, and completely obsess over these things? Because I’m nuts! That sounds like the most logical explanation to me! Someone who wants to tear out of her own skin and can’t decide on a pair of shoes has got to be just a little bit off. LOL!

Jacob called today. He still sounds hoarse from all the yelling, but he sounded good. It was nice to talk to him for a bit, even though I couldn’t think of a thing to say. I write him every week, if not twice a week, so every conversation piece I have has already been used up. He surprised me with the letter writing. I didn’t think he would write much, but pretty much every week, I got a letter, sometimes two, and he would always ask me to send more.

Since he left, I’ve gotten to talk to him two other times. Once, he called because they needed background info and an address for a family member. All he could say to me was they needed info, and once I had it all written down, he asked me to call back ASAP with the information and hung up.

The second time was to discuss travel arrangements. Since I pretty much had those under control, we were able to chat a little, but any time the drill instructor walked by him, he would start to talk about travel. It’s hard to have a conversation with someone who’s being yelled at, LOL!

When Robert attended basic training for the army, they could use their cell phones to call home when they had liberty. I believe Robert called home quite a few times. Not the Marines! They have to rent phones to call home. It’s so strange how different the military branches really are in how they do things.

I’m not ready for snow, but I suppose it’s going to happen anyway. Hopefully, it will not stay around long and will bring some much-needed moisture. X’s & O’s.


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