
We’ve been spoiled folks.

So many of us have been familiar with “instant gratification” that when we don’t get it, something is wrong.

That concept is so common, we don’t ever realize it any more. A prime example was the election last week. We didn’t get “all” of the election results that night . . . and we were agitated because of it.

Our current culture is so used to getting what it wants, when it wants it, we do not understand things when they don’t happen right away.

I’m not giving those states that still haven’t finished counting their vote an easy out. I’m just thinking about why those states have such trouble counting their ballot in a timely manner.

We have seen how many states get the counting done in such a timely manner, we wonder why other states have such trouble. And that leads us to wonder if that doesn’t contribute to people thinking something illegal is going on.

I have no idea of the reasons why it takes those few states so long to count ballots, but I hope they try to change their current methods to match what most states are already doing.


Deer Hunting . . . It’s been a few years since I’ve made mention of deer hunting. Stay with me here, it won’t be long.

I didn’t start to hunt deer until about the time I retired. I then had the time to do so, and I had begun to have trouble with deer running into my vehicle. I wanted to return the favor.

Well, by now I have returned the favor to the deer, hitting more of them more times than the number of times they hit me.

As such, I’m giving consideration of ending my hunting days. It is getting harder for me to get around and those deer are getting smarter.

Two days last weekend, my hunting companion and I spent in the cold, windy landscape around Lawrence and did not come up with even a sighting of a deer.

Then . . . on Sunday evening as we were returning to Lawrence, just east of Lawrence, standing in the middle of a corn field was a deer, looking straight at us. It was too late in the evening to stop and make an effort to get a shot at it, so we came on home.

Now . . . I’ll not swear to this, but I think I saw a smile on the face of that deer, as if he knew he got the better of us.

Go figure . . . that’s another reason I’m thinking of retiring from this sport as well.


Maybe the last comment on the elections of last week (but maybe not).

Many folks consider our president to be mentally limited but either he, or whoever is running the show, is not as stupid as some of us might think.

Specifically, I’m talking about the ‘Student Loan Forgiveness Program.’

This program started with the COVID-19 pandemic ‘state of emergency’ as they called it. However, some time ago the president announced we were no longer in this state of emergency, but he wanted the program to go on.

The reasons for not ending the program by the Administration is not clear but the Biden plan to continue it was heavily condemned as a ‘bribe’ for young voters to avoid paying for overpriced education if they supported the Democrats in the November election.

Last week a Federal judge ruled that this bailout violated federal procedures and defied the government’s inherent separation of powers doctrine.

The judge noted we have three different branches of government. The executive branch was doing the legislative’s branch power of deciding on how to spend the tax dollars it receives.

I fully understand the separation of powers in our governmental system, but to me it was much simpler.

When I went to college I had to borrow what was then a lot of money. When my children attended college, they borrowed a lot of money.

But, we all paid the money back to those we borrowed from. I think we all considered the process as an investment in our future.

This loan forgiveness program would have made those millions of people who received loans and did pay them back, also responsible for paying back the loans of the millions of former students now responsible for paying back their loans.

I don’t know a lot of the legal process, but that just did not strike me as being an honest thing to do.

The timing of this latest court ruling is of interest. It came too late to have an influence on all those young voters who had hopes of not having to repay all of their loans.

Was it all timed for the Democrats to get the advantage of those young voters?

Or, were these young voters just used . . . until the elections were over? Is the president, or whoever is running the government, smart enough to plan this thing?

Is it any wonder why the average American questions the veracity of the current government?



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