Crop Nutrient Management update meetings planned

With fertilizer prices continuing to be a significant input cost and the availability issues, it is increasingly important for producers to properly manage their agricultural inputs. To address the topic of nutrient management, K-State Research and Extension, has scheduled four regional programs during the month of January. This program has been designed to help producers understand the fertilizer soil relationships to achieve a greater return from an investment in fertilizer especially in this farm environment with the fertilizer issues.

The meetings schedule is the following:

Jan. 24: Lincoln – 9:30 a.m. to Noon – St. Patrick Catholic Parish Hall

Jan. 24: Hays – 3 to 5:30 p.m. – Cottonwood Extension District Office

Jan. 25: Colby – 9:30 to noon – City Limits Convention Center

Jan. 25: Norton – 3 to 5:30 p.m. - 4-H Building at the Norton Co. Fairgrounds

The workshop will be presented by Lucas Haag, northwest region agronomist and Fred Vocasek, Servi-Tech agronomist, along with local extension agents. Topics will include KSU research updates, soil sampling, fertilizer placement, non-traditional P and N sources and keeping fertility rates along with drought impacts along with a question and answer session.

There is no cost for the meetings, however, pre-registration is requested by Wednesday, Jan. 18, for all meetings either online, 2023NC-NWFertility Schools, or at the local extension office. A minimum of 10 pre-registered producers are needed to hold the meeting.


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