
Democracy on display . . .

If you watched any of the national news on TV last week, or even looked at a newspaper, most likely the top story was the election of a “Speaker of the House of Representative” in the U. S. Congress.

Republicans have a numeric majority, but they could not get together on who they wanted to lead them in the House.

2023 will go down in the history books as the year it took so long for any political party to decide who their leader would be.

It seemed to me the Democratic Party enjoyed the week and on each of the 15 votes it took, the Democrat person got the vote of every Democrat in the House. I suspect they enjoyed the fact the Republicans had trouble getting together to elect a leader. The national media “seemed” to enjoy what was happening and they made sure they blamed the Republicans on what they called “a disaster.”

If the tables were turned, the Republicans would most likely enjoy what looked like “disarray” throughout the voting.

What I find interesting, and important, is the fact that the Republicans showed the world they are made up of many different political stripes. However, they were able to find a way to get around their differences and solve the problem.

Now, as long as Democrats have been voting recently a person seldom, or never, sees a Democrat stray from voting together.

Do not the Democrats have people (like the Republicans) that may not totally agree on all issues?

Or, just what do the Democrats do to insure each and every one of them vote alike on every issue?

Hasn’t every Democratic president in recent history promised to “bring together” the American political differences? But what they do is twist arm (or buy off) Representatives to achieve what they want.

I find it difficult to believe every Democrat buys the Democratic Party’s agenda lock, stock and barrel. Aren’t there a few more conservative Democrats in the party that may not agree with killing children by calling abortion a Constitutional Right? Are there not a few who disagree with an ‘Open Border” policy?

Just what does the Democratic Party do to insure each and every member votes how they want them too?

Yes, last week’s episode in electing a House leader was interesting. However, it was just an example of our Democracy in action. And . . . it was the Republicans who made it work.

The next two years are going to be interesting in the business the House of Representative gets done. Will the Democrats be more interested in keeping their party intact, or in doing the Nation’s business as they are supposed to be doing?

I’m guessing it will be the Republicans who will make things work.


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I can remember as a kid watching the introductions of the new models of cars every year. I had trouble at that young age understanding just why every time there were numerous young ladies, dressed in gorgeous gowns around the cars. The women never drove a car, or showed the mechanical systems, or anything. They just were there.

It took a little time, but I eventually learned one of the truths of advertising . . . “Sex sells.”

If a pretty, scantily, but modestly dressed women wanted you to buy something, many people would simply say OK.

Well, our culture has changed. That culture of the 1950 to 1970 or so doesn’t work as well as it did back then. The item that must work today is “sympathy.”

Since before Christmas and into January, television has been smothered with ads evoking a sympatric response to their plea for money.

Now, most all requests are for good projects and I hate to see dogs mistreated or abused. I want disabled veterans to receive help when they need it. I dislike people killing leopards or elephants without good cause.

However, those ads are so overwhelming I’m beginning to hate seeing them.

The one I especially dislike is the one from the “American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.” (I think that is their full name.) (ASPCA)

The ads make use of Christmas hymns and a sweet talking woman telling us about how some animals are horribly treated.

The ads are “overdone” with the format being in very bad taste. Most all Christmas songs, especially those with religious themes, have to do with Christ’s birth . . . not with a poor dog someplace.

I really dislike people who abuse dogs, or any animal, but there has to be a better way to get the message out that there is a real need to stop the mistreatment and take care of those dogs.

The ASPCA will never receive a donation from me.


Those people who have been trying to take God and prayer out of our public discourse for years must be hurting now.

Have you been following the professional football player who was injured in a game a week ago and who many were afraid was going to die as his heart stopped (several times)?

Well, seems proper care was given in time and he is on his way to recovery.

Have you noticed all the talk about the “Prayers” that had been offered for him? And most everyone on TV is crediting his recovery to those prayers.

There has been more talk on TV about prayers in this past week than there has been since the 9-11 terror attack in New York.

Those people wanting to eliminate God from society surely understand that they have “failed” to do so.

“God” and “Democracy” can exist side by side.



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