Superior school board retains slate of officers

School board reorganizes

Monday evening the Superior Board of Education met at 5 p.m. in the high school library. Matt Sullivan, board president , swore in Krista Tatro.Tatro replaces Jason Jensen on the board.

With no dissension, Sullivan was then re-elected president, Peggy Meyer, vice-president and Brad Biltoft, secretary.

Sullivan announced committee appointments as follows:

Safety - Luke Meyers, Matt Bargen and Krista Tatro;

Accreditation – Tatro, Biltoft and Meyer;

Building, grounds and transportation – Sullivan Biltoft, Meyers

Negotiations - Meyer, Meyers, Tatro

American Civics - Biltoft, Sullven and Bargen

Long range planning and goal setting - Bargen, Meyer, Sullivan

Budget and finance – Meyers, Bargen and Biltoft,

Superior Public School Foundation – Biltoft

Curriculum – Meyer and Tatro

Negotiations committee changes will become effective after this year's negotiations are finalized, something expected to happen by the February board meeting. Members will be Meyers, Meyer and Tatro. Most of the committee appointments remained unchanged except for Tatro replacing Jensen.

December claims from the general fund in the amount of $641,302.18 were approved.

Kim Williams was appointed board treasurer, Marty Kobza, superintendent, was authorized to sign checks with Williams as a backup. Depositories for school funds are Central National Bank, Farmers and Merchants Bank, Home Federal Bank and Horizon Bank. KSB School Law was chosen for legal council.

"It is important to remember that KSB School law serves the board, not me or anyone else working her," Supt. Kobza said.

A certified resignation from Brenda Corman, part-time ag ed instructor, was accepted. Corman plans to return to school to earn a master's degree in agronomy with a teaching certificate.

Supt. Kobza said, "We project it will take her a couple of years."

Seth Going, agriculture instructor and Cayce Barry, a high school student, reported on the Superior FFA Chapter land lab – 17 acres directly north of the school. Barry has been the lead crop scout this year on the acreage which was planted to 10 plots of corn. The project is Barry's Supervised Agriculture Education Experience (SAE). The land lab is one of 10 land labs in Nebraska. The pair covered the educational opportunities the land lab provided related to agronomy, farm business management and animal science. They reviewed harvest data, thanked sponsors and talked about future plans. Because of the many donors who helped, high commodity prices and excellent dry land crop yields, the 17 acres net income was $18,442 – money that will be channeled back into the school's ag education program.

The board adopted a revised cell phone and other electronic devices policy (6025) . When students returned to school after winter break, they were required to put their electronic devices into a locked pouch when they entered the school and could not use them, except with administrative permission, until school dismissed.

During his report, Bob Cook repeatedly commended students for how well they had adapted to the new procedures and said, "I am happy with the way things are going. We've had good parental support. Two pairs of parents have told me that they were glad we did this," Cook said.

Thirty-three students successfully completed 65 college classes first semester. Tuition is paid by Superior Public Schools when a college credit class is successfully completed. Dual credit classes offered include algebra, calculus, American History and English in cooperation with Wayne State, Central Community and Peru State. Nineteen students completed independent study classes such as public speaking, applied statistics, nutrition and introduction to psychology. Twenty two students have enrolled second semester in independent college study classes. Six of the 22 are working towards their certified nurse assistant certification under the direction of Megan McMeen.

At least two students are working toward high school graduation with 21 college credit hours. They are working with the college of their choice to be sure the credits will transfer.

Jodi Fierstein, elementary principal, reported elementary school enrollment has increased by 10 students since the beginning of the school year. "Lots of students have moved in and out," she said.

Current enrollment by class at the beginning of this semester was 43 pre-kindergarten, 26 kindergarten, 31 first grade, 31 second grade, 29 third grade, 25 fourth grade and 29 fifth grade.

The second quarter elementary school family fun night was a winter carnival held Monday, Dec. 19. Students and their families gathered at the school for games, a craft, face painting, hot chocolate bar and a surprise visit by Santa (Matt Sullivan.) A family fun night is planned for each quarter. "Attendance is increasing as families begin to understand what it is," Fierstein said.

January elementary teacher inservice focused on LETRS training (reading) with Jennifer Utecht and a meet and greet session with Teresa Frahm. Frahm is a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner at Brodstone Health Care. Her services include diagnosing psychiatric illnesses, educating patients and families, prescribing treatment plans including medications, leading psychotherapy sessions and coordination services for patients across the lifespan.

Supt. Kobza expects remodeling of the front entrance could start in April. If so, the entrance to the high school would be closed for graduation ceremonies. There was a general concensus that alternative routes could be utilized for the last part of school and related activities.

He also reported that Jeff Kimberly is serving as interim transportation director since Kevin Knoell has taken a position with the Nebraska Department of Transportation.

"Bus drivers are in hot demand," Kobza said. "So if you know of anyone who could drive for us, encourage them to come."


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