
Icicles . . .

Icicles . . .

Gosh, haven't used that term for quite some time in the past few years. Duane Brockman had a nice picture of icicle with a barn in the background on Facebook last week.

Then, with a little melting and freezing of the ice and snow on the roof of our house, an icicle (on steroids) formed right in the middle of our front porch as can be seen in the picture.

There is more than seven feet from the floor to the roof and this icicle covers over half of that.

Yup, our 'January Thaw' came early this year. Maybe we'll have two of them. 'O Mother Nature always has a surprise for us.

Interesting . . .

The following may not be in the "humor" category, but I find it interesting.

There is a Sunday TV show that relates the deaths of "famous" people during the previous week. I don't see it every week, but do see it fairly often.

Now, remember that all (most all) of the 'health experts) throughout life encourage a person to stay in good health by keeping fit with exercise and eating the right things. Sometimes that doesn't work.

Last Sunday this TV show remarked on seven or eight personalities that died in the previous week. All but one of them were in their 90s. The other was only 64 years old

Most of those in their 90s were known to have abused their bodies at times throughout their lives, but still lived quite some time.

The person who died at 64 was a former professional football player. Football players are known for keeping in shape with exercise and eating the right foods. Yet, the person doing the "right thing" died 30 years before the others.

In the greater scheme of things, this doesn't mean a thing. However, I found it interesting and got a laugh out of it. I'm sure most other people never thought of the contrast with age . . . exercise . . . eating right . . . and death. I did and thought I'd pass it on to you for whatever it's worth.


Taxes . . . Our past governor made quite an effort to change the taxing system in Nebraska. He accomplished a little bit of his goals. However, have you noticed that our new governor has proposed changes in our system right out of the gate of his four years in office?

I don't know enough about it right now to know if his proposals are good, or not. But a person has to give him credit for attacking one of the problems that has given Nebraska the dubious claim to be among the states with the most taxes.

However, to really solve our 'tax problem' if we really do have a problem, is to cut down on the laws and regulations that cause the spending that cause the taxation.


Voting . . .

I've come to the conclusion that one of the real differences between 'Liberals' and 'Conservative' has been the fact that Liberals don't just wait for an "election year" to operate. They look ahead to the next election as soon as the current election is over. Conservatives have seemed to wait until the new election year starts before they are concerned about the election.

Now, I know that isn't entirely true and I know that I really don't know what goes on inside either political party. I always thought that the conservatives were always busy making the economy, and society, work while the liberals were mostly rich, self-absorbed people more interested in what they could get than what was really needed.

There are hundreds of instances a person could talk about, but I'm going to talk about voting for a little.

Trump brought up voting fraud on a number of occasions, maybe rightly or wrongly, however, the Liberal Democrats have always screamed "there is no election fraud."

You have heard me quote studies from 'The Heritage Foundation' before and I'm going to do so again.

They just released news that the "Election Fraud Database Topped 1,400 cases."

This is a case where a conservative foundation is spending the money and time to monitor election fraud. I think these 1,400 cases cover the period from 2018 through the present.

I've read through a few of the examples of fraud that was found. Some instances involved just a few votes, but some were major enough that they could have changed election results.

As the topic of election procedures comes up over the next two years, please encourage your state senators not to expand anything we are now doing. And, voter I. D. is essential to having a fair election.


And talking about being "Fair."

It is getting to almost comical as additional "Top Secret" documents are being found on our current president's homes.

The Democrats claim: 'ya, there are documents there that should not be there, but not as many as Mr. Trump had, and Mr. Biden is 'co-operating' with an investigation. As such, we're not so bad.'

The Democrats seem to forget that it is the breaking of the law that governs handling of classified documents that is the important thing. Whether or not it is one document or 101 documents is not important.

The Democrats, (and the national media) seem to have different standards for Mr. Biden than they have for Mr. Trump.

Different standards ? ? ? ? Gosh, ever since the Supreme Court decision on abortions last summer, demonstrators have been parading in front of Judge Brett Kavanaugh home because they didn't like his vote.

There are laws on the books prohibiting demonstrations at or near such homes. Has Mr. Biden's administration stopped them?

The answer, of course, is no.

The national media is involved as well. They seldom report much about any 'Liberal' activity that is questionable, but try to always make sure any questionable "Conservative" action is well known.

Fairness ? ? ? ?



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