Weed management schools coming soon

K-State Weed Management Schools coming up

A series of weed management schools will take place in northwest and north central Kansas and are hosted by local K-State Research and Extension county and district offices.

With the drought and hot temperatures last summer, farmers and agri-business retailers had some challenges in controlling difficult weeds. To address the topic of weed control, K-State Research and Extension has scheduled four regional weed control programs.

The meeting schedule is as follows:

Feb. 15, Sharon Springs – 9 a.m. to Noon (MTN time zone) Community activity building

Feb. 15, Atwood – 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Rawlins County fairgrounds

Feb. 16 Kensington – 9 a.m. to noon First St John’s Lutheran Church

Feb. 16, Russell – 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Meridy’s Restaurant & Lounge

The workshops will be presented by speakers from Kansas State University and University of Nebraska. Sarah Lancaster, K-State Extension weed specialist, and Cody Creech, dryland cropping extension specialist with the University of Nebraska, along with local extension agents. Topics will cover applications and adjuvant considerations in drought conditions, tumble windmill grass management, herbicide – tolerant grain sorghum update along with a question and answer session. Bring all your questions with you! Three CCA credits have been applied for.

Lunch will be served in the Kensington location following the program thanks to sponsor Trinity Ag LLC. There is no cost for the meetings, however, pre-registration is requested by Friday, Feb. 10, for all meetings either online, https://bit.ly/2023 NWWeedSchools or call a Post Rock Extension District office or email crop production agents Sandra Wick [email protected] or Cody Miller [email protected].


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