
Growing older . . .

I don't like to admit that I'm "Old" as I just don't like the sound of it. It's OK for everyone around me to be "Old," but I'm just getting older.

The restoration of Sacred Heart Church in Lawrence reminds me that I'm "older" than I used to be. In fact, I've been alive for almost 80 of the soon to be 100 years Sacred Heart church has been in existence. But, I'm just getting older, the church building is old.

I recently read a quote from Albert Schweitzer. He once said: "Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory."

Now, I can connect with that thought. The connection comes most often when I visit a doctor's office for whatever reason. The doctors' offices I visit are mostly filled with "Old" people. On occasion I get a chance to visit with some of them and (maybe I'm wrong to do so, but) I sometimes try to determine if they are 'happy,' or not so happy.

I am amazed at the conclusions I come up with at times. I have no idea if I'm really correct in my determinations, but I have fun in trying to guess what kind of people I'm dealing with.

I want to remember that quote from Mr. Schweitzer. I think I've achieved the 'bad memory' part of his quote and will continue to work on the 'good health' part of his quote.

Growing older is interesting in many ways. I've been telling people for 20 or 30 years now that I was born about 50 years too early.

This comment usually comes when "technology" is the topic of conversation. I notice a real difference in people who have 'grown up' with technology and those of us who are getting 'older.'

And speaking of technology, I take advantage of it whenever I can. Now, I love high school sports, but in recent years I have not been able to attend as many events as I would like. However, with technology I've been able to watch many more of the events than I would be able to without technology.

For example, I was able to watch the basketball games with Blue Hill last week on our computer device. The girls has a great start in their game but didn't win the game as Blue Hill played well in the last half of play.

The boys game was the opposite in which it appeared they would give the game away early on, but finally got aggressive on offense, outscoring Blue Hill 33 to 17 in the middle two quarters of the game to win 49 to 48.

Technology has been a real prize to this 'older' person as I can keep up a little better with the 'younger' folks.


This "older" things pops up often in life these days. For example, attending the Evelyn Ostdiek funeral and reception, I noticed many a face I hardly recognized because it was a little 'Older' than what I remembered from earlier years.


Now . . . talking about things getting older. In Lawrence there are two "projects" of major importance taking place as we speak.

There is the effort of the community to replace the aging building of the American Legion. In today's society, a number of people deem the Legion Hall too small to handle their activity. In addition the building is requiring more and more repair and upkeep. The age of current American Legion members is also a major concern. (Some of them are getting 'older.')

The other project is the repair and upkeep of Sacred Heart church. It is approaching its 100th birthday and there is a real need for repair and restoration. As the workers get "into" the plaster repair, the extent of the damage from age is more and more evident.

It is unfortunate that both projects have come at the same time. The funding of such projects is coming from the local people, but former area residents have also been very generous. However, both projects need to be done and putting one off and doing only one is not an answer as both need to be done . . . now.

Both projects were delayed by the COVID pandemic which also caused increased cost estimates.

I'll make a plea for money for both projects. The I R S tax code does allow several ways for people to donate to charitable causes (and both project qualify as charitable causes). Farmers or people in other lines of work can sell grain or cattle or old machinery without having to take the income into account on their tax return. Investments or savings' accounts can be donated.

Of course you best talk to your tax accountant or investment counselor because they have to be done in a certain way.

I am not enlightened as to all the information, but I am amazed that of all of the money raised to date for both projects has come in modest amounts. The Community Building has one 'large' donation amount and several smaller, substantial donations but most donations have come in smaller amounts.

From what I understand the Community Building has a number of people who have given notice that they would like to donate a substantial amount "once the building begins."

I am happy to hear that people are willing and able to donate yet, however, both efforts are also looking for opportunities to obtain 'Grants' to help pay for the work, and, some of the grants require a substantial amount of the cost already in hand before the effort qualifies.


Towards this end (money, of course) the Community Building efforts is planning a fundraiser with a St. Patrick's Day theme. Entertainment will be "Dueling Pianos" with a prime rib dinner beforehand.

I guess this is where I realize I may just be "Old."

Last week when the announcement of the event was made, all 22 of the tables were sold out within 24 to 36 hours of the announcement. I had hoped and prayed for that result. I remember from years ago when we tried to set a price on a dinner, people were scared to charge $10 a plate, but these dinners sold out fast. Too fast for an 'old' guy like me to understand.

The good news is they offer "Carry Out Meals" and a person can still purchase raffle tickets or just make monetary donations as well.

If you know people who work with computers better than liking to read newspapers, you can contact: http://www.FACEBOOK.COM/LAWRENCENEBRASKA

That's all this old fellow knows.


One last thought. Even the older among us can celebrate Ground Hog's Day this week. And, if you feel like celebrating this great holiday . . . you're not as old as the calendar says.



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