Country Roads

It seems the last weekend of March and its weather is leading us towards an April Fools joke. The calendar tells us March 20 was the first day of Spring. We were ready for the weather to change from winter to spring. The green blades of wheat are beginning to be seen as the country landscape has barely begun to turn from gray and browns to a light green. Last Saturday, the weather reports led us to believe that there would be a 70 percent to 90 percent chance of rain headed our way. Because it is so dry here, we were hoping the reports were correct. When the darker clouds appeared mid day, in the west, we started hearing rain drops on the roof of our house. Looking outside, it was noted the sidewalks were wet but the rain gauge only showed we’d received .30” of rain. Being a farmer we had the thought, “Well it’s better than nothing.” The clouds seemed to drift northward and later that evening we once again checked the weather reports. We heard of towns north and far west of us receiving several inches of snow. It was even reported some of the roadways were closed because of the blowing snow. Sunday, we were looking forward to the predicted sunshine and warmer temperatures, but alas, the weather changed and soon clouds floated in and the temperatures remained cool.

Monday, was another cloudy day. We longed for the sunshine. Snow was predicted north of us again. Traveling homeward from town, my farmer husband looked at the clouds ahead and believed it was raining at our farmstead. As we neared home, large white snowflakes began to hit the car’s windshield. It wasn’t rain he’d noted earlier falling from the clouds but snow. The snow quickly stopped but the temperature had dropped five degrees. That evening we began hearing reports a Winter Weather Warning was going to be in the neighboring state north of us. Winter was just not ready to give up.

Looking ahead at the weather report, it is predicting sunshine, warmer temperatures and even by Thursday we could have a high of 73 degrees. Do we dare believe it? Of course along with the 70 some degrees there are to be winds, as after all it will still be March.

Has spring arrived finally? I’m afraid I’m a little skeptical after all, Saturday is April Fools Day. We will have to wait and see.


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