SHS track

It was a busy week for members of the Superior High School track and field teams.

The Wildcats opened the 2023 season at the Sutton Invitational, at Sutton lastTuesday. The girls team finished in third place, with 69 points, while the boys team finished 12th with two points in the 12 team field. Other schools taking part at the meet were Osceola, Hastings St. Cecilia, Centura, Sutton, Doniphan-Trumbull, Shelton Public, Bruning-Davenport-Shickley, Gibbon, Sandy Creek, Harvard and Heartland Community.

Superior visited Wilcox, Friday, for the Wilcox-Hildreth Invitational meet. The girls were in 11th place, with 48 points, and the boys team scored no points in the 16 team field. Teams competing at the meet were Elm Creek, Loomis, Cambridge, Overton, Amherst, Giltner Public, Twin Loup, Axtell, Alma, Silver Lake, Bertrand, Wilcox-Hildreth, Arapahoe, Red Cloud and Franklin.

Superior traveled to Fairbury, Saturday, for the Fairbury Invitational. The girls team finished in ninth place, with 24 points, while the boys team was in 11th place with five points in the 12 team field.

Other teams participating at the meet were Elkhorn North, Beatrice, Seward, Fairbury, David City, Conestoga, York, Crete, Lincoln Lutheran, Sandy Creek and Lincoln Northwest.

Ella Gardner took first place honors at Sutton in the 100 meter dash for the girls team with a time of 12:10 seconds. Sadie cornell picked up seventh place with her time of 13,98 seconds. Ariana Huesinkvelt was in ninth place with her time of 14:05 seconds. Khloe Mondorf had a time of 14,24 seconds for 13th place.

Gardner took first place points in the 200 meter dash with her time of 26.40 seconds. Sadie Rempel was in 15th place with her time of 30.67 seconds. Laci Kirchhoff held 16th place with her time of 30.68 seconds. Ava Kirchhoff had a time of 31.82 seconds. Jordan Duncan finished with a time of 33.07 seconds.

Faith Butler nabbed second place in the 800 meter run with her time of 2:45.25.

Brooklyn Grabast posted a ninth place finish in the 1600 meter run with her time of 6:58.7.

Hailey Blecha was in seventh place in the 3200 meter run.

Mondorf took eighth place in the 300 meter hurdles with a time of 58.81 seconds. Cora Schnakenberg had a time of 1:01.46 for 11th place.

The 4 x 400 meter relay team of Butler, Atlee Kobza, Schnakenberg and Duncan combined for an 11th place finish with the time of 5:05.62.

Ariana Heusinkvelt landed second place points in the shot put with a toss of 35'10". Grabast was in 11th place with a toss of 30'1". Tova Lestander had a 21'5" effort.

Kobza locked in fourth place in the discus with her throw of 100'10". Lestander had a throw of 47'8".

L. Kirchhoff cleared the bar at 4'6" for third place in the high jump. Schnakenberg was in seventh place with the height of 4'2".

Sadie Rempel cleared the bar at 10'6" for the first place points in the pole vault. Butler was in sixth palce at 7'.

Gardener added a first place finish, with a 17'3" effort in the long jump to her impressive meet totals. Cornell was in fifth place with her jump of 14'10.25". A. Kirchhoff closed out with a leap of 12"1".

L. Kirchhoff took seventh place in the triple jump with a combined distance of 29'11.5". A, Kirchhoff had a distance of 23'8.5".

Aiden Humphries had a time of 13.04 seconds in the boys 100 meter dash at Sutton. Kyler Boyles turned in a time of 13.3 seconds. Cristian Avalos had a time of 13.45 seconds. Dylan Edwards had a time of 14.16 seconds.

Jacob Meyer was in 15th place in the 200 meter dash with hsi time of 25.5 seconds. James Love recorded a 25.68 second effort. Aaron Allgood posted a time of 25.87 seconds for the event. Boyles listed a time of 27.16 seconds. Avalos was in with a time of 27.82 seconds.

EJ Uvslokk took 16th place in the 400 meter dash with his time of 1:02.74. Declan Miller had a time of 1:09.03. Thomas Mathis turned in time of 1:10.71.

Tanner Theis finished in eighth place in the 800 meter run with his time of 2:27.14. Sander Lincoln was in 12th place with the time of 2:32.75.

Derek Kirchhoff was in 16th place in the 1600 meter run with his time of 7:32.30.

Love finished in sixth place in the 110 meter hurdles with his time of 19.3 seconds. Humphries registered a time of 19.57 seconds for 10th place.

Boyles was in 11th place in the 300 meter hurdles with a time of 51.88 seconds.

The 4 x 100 meter hurdles team of Meyer, Humphries, Allgood and Love held down sixth place with the time of 47:37 seconds.

The 4 x 400 meter relay team of Uvslokk, Theis, Allgood and Sander finished in 10th place with their time of 4:09.49.

Luke Jameson finished ninth in the shot put with his toss of 39"4". Henry Griljava had a toss of 33"6" Dayne Clark recorded a toss of 31'5". Riedar Vier posted a toss of 28". Christian Osweiller listed 27'10 for his best effort.

Clark took 11th place with a throw of 107'3" in the discus. Jameson held 12th place with a 106'11" effort for the event. Griljava was in 15th with a throw of 104'2". Chris Chavez had a throw of 88'8". Miller had a throw of 78'1".

Uvslokk cleared the bar at 5'6" for eighth place in the high jump.

Sander recorded a leap of 16'2" for the long jump. Mathis landed a jump of 14'6". Edwards had a leap of 13'5".

Mathis had a combined distance of 31'7.5" for the triple jump and 15th place. Edwards put a distance of 29'11" on the board.

Heusinkvelt finished in ninth place at Wilcox-Hildreth with a time of 14.25 seconds in the 100 meter dash. A. Kirchhoff recorded a time of 15.39 seconds. Duncan had a time of 15 .86 seconds.

Mundorf was in 14th place with a time of 29.27 for the 200 meter dash. Duncan listed a time of 33.15 seconds for the event. Schnakenberg listed a time of 37.86 seconds.

Schnakenberg posted a time of 1:16.23 for the 400 meter dash. Grabast was in 17th place in the 1600 meter run with her time of 7:02.95. Blecha had a time of 7:17.47. Rebecca Tadeo registered a time of 7:33.73.

Blecha ran the 3200 meter run in 15:27.01 for an 11th place finish.

Mundorf collected the second place points for the 100 meter hurdles with her time of 18.28 seconds.

Heusinkvelt was awarded the second place points for her 36'4.75" toss in the shot put. Grabast had a toss of 28'6.5 ". Lestander measured out at 21'10.75" for her effort.

Lestander had a throw of 48'3" for the discus.

Schnakenberg was in ninth place with her bar clearing effort of 4'4" in the high jump.

Heusinkvelt picked up second place in the long jump with her leap of 15'5.75". Duncan had a leap of 13'1.5".

A, Kirchhoff combined for 26'10.5" in the triple jump.

Clark had a time of 12.96 seconds for the 100 meter dash for the boys team. Boyles was in with a time of 13.28 seconds. Edwards carried a time of 13,88 seconds.

Mathis finished the 200 meter dash with a time of 27.76 seconds. Miller closed out with a time of 29.94 seconds.

Theis had a time of 1:01.47 seconds for the 400 meter dash. Sander had a time of 1:02 33.

Sander completed the 800 meter run with a time of 2:30.94. Theis had a time of 2:36.38.

D. Kirchhoff finished the 1600 meter run with a time of 7:13.14.

Clark tossed the shot 32'9.5". Osweiller tossed the iron ball 29'5.75". Vier had a toss of 27'3".

Clark was 12th in the discus with a throw of 103'3". Miller had a throw of 77'3".

Sander had a leap of 16'1.5" in the long jump. Edwards covered 15'. Mathis had a 14'5" leap for the event.

Mathis had a combined distance of 31'1" for the triple jump. Edwards covered 28'9".

Gardner took second place in the 100 meter dash at the Fairbury Invite with her time of 12.76 seconds. Cornell recorded a time of 13.86 seconds.

Cornell had a time of 29.93 seconds for the 200 meter dash. L. Kirchhoff finished with a time of 31.27 seconds.

Butler had a time of 1:06.92 in the 400 meter dash.

Butler listed a time of 2:43.52 for the 800 meter run.

Kobza earned a third place finish in the discus with her throw of 102'4". Mia Gardner posted a throw of 86'9".

L. Kirchhoff cleared the bar at 4'6" in the high jump.

Butler cleared 7'6" in the pole vault.

Gardner took first place honors for the long jump with a leap of 17'5". Cornell hit the 14'6" mark.

L. Kirchhoff covered 29'5" in the triple jump.

Meyer had a time of 12.48 seconds for the 100 meter dash. Allgood crossed the finish line at 12.64 seconds. Avalos finished with a time of 13.08 seconds.

Love posted a time of 26.45 for the 200 meter dash. Humphries had a time of 26.62 seconds. Avalos listed a time of 28.19 seconds.

Uvslokk finished the 400 meter dash with the time of 1:00.91.

Love took fourth place in the 110 meter high hurdles with his time of 17.56 seconds. Humphries came in with a time of 20.29 seconds.

The 4 x 100 meter relay team of Meyer, Humphries, Allgood and Love had a time of 48.19 seconds.

Jameson took sixth place with his toss of 41'10". Griljava put up a toss of 36'9". Chavez marked 30'7".

Jameson had a discus throw of 92'4". Chavez threw the discus 82'4".

Uvslokk produced a bar clearing jump of 5'6" for the high jump and seventh place.

Meyer covered 17'10.5" for the long jump. Allgood had a leap of 17'6".

The Wildcats travel to Thayer Central Invitational. Superior competes at the Sandy Creek Invitational at Sandy Creek Tuesday.


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