Nuckolls County drafting new comprehensive plan

County Planning Meeting

The Nuckolls County Fairgrounds, located near Nelson, was the location of an invitation only meeting, Tuesday morning, hosted by Bobbi Pettit, Five Rule Rural Planning. Pettit’s firm has been retained by the county commissioners to create a county-wide comprehensive plan.

Those invited to participate in the meeting represented stakeholders from the business, agricultural, government and emergency service sectors from across the county.

Among those in attendance were Carrie Miller, county clerk, Susan Rogers, county assessor, John Hodge, county attorney, Nick Elledge, emergency director, Jim Bolte, road foreman and Cindy Buescher, executive secretary for the road department.

Treg Vyzourek represented Brodstone Healthcare. Several farmers and business men were also in attendance.

Attendees were broken off into groups of three. They were then tasked to answer several questions posed by Pettit. One question was name a memorable event from the past five years which occurred in Nuckolls County. Answers included wildfires, flooding and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Another question pertained to events from the past five years which took place outside Nuckolls County. Answers ranged from the Ukraine conflict to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln fires another football coach.

The groups were asked to name things that seemed bad but could be good. Answers ranged from improved technology to county wide broadband to a new football coach for Nebraska.

Pettit made a point of noting the plan was not a precursor to zoning or land use restrictions.

Participants agreed a housing shortage across the income spectrum and a lack of county wide broadband access were a hindrance to attracting new residents who wished to work remotely.

Another point was to maintain the quality of life levels which make Nuckolls County living so attractive.

Pettit noted she would take all the information and input back and mold it into a survey for county residents.

The survey will be open to all county residents.

Pettit thanked those in attendance for their wisdom and observations.

The plan is a necessity for many government agencies to apply for state and federal grants. It is also a requirement for the county to be the recipient of FEMA emergency aid and disaster relief.


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