Officer Luedke and K-9 Rambo provide demonstration

The Jewell County Commissioners met last Monday. Commissioners Brent Beck, Keith Roe, and Ed Duskie, were present. Carla Waugh, county clerk, was present for the meeting.

Officer Luedke and K-9 Rambo provided a demonstration with Rambo detecting drugs that were hidden earlier by Officer Luedke.

The following were present for the office head meeting and provided an update for their department: Chris Petet, custodian; Alexandria Pierce, county attorney; Marilou Becker, deputy county appraiser; Brenda Eakins, treasurer; Amanda Davis, register of deeds; Kevin Peroutek, noxious weed director, emergency preparedness director and 911 coordinator; Cindy Becker, health administrator; and Shannon Meier, ambulance director. Those absent: Nora Rhoades, Post Rock Extension district director; Joel Elkins, general superintendent; Travis Garst, solid waste director; and Don Jacobs, sheriff.

Amanda Davis said she needed to replace the computer for the public station in her office. She had three quotes for a Dell XPS Desktop: Dell- $599.99; Best Buy - $649.99; Amazon - $720.96.

Marilou Becker reported the change of value notices were mailed. There are some appeal hearings scheduled.

Shannon Meier said they worked with the fire department on the extraction drill. He discussed the increased cost of supplies.

Chris Petet discussed repairs to the boiler system.

Brenda Eakins said the treasurer’s office is gearing up for the second half of tax payments that are due by May 10.

Cindy Becker said they attended a meeting on the Health 365 Coalition and will attend the governor’s conference. She said all grants were submitted. The health department will help residents apply for Medicaid after receiving training. They are investigating a nuisance complaint at Esbon. Cindy said they had a site visit from the state.

Carla Waugh said she is working on the Census Bureau survey, an open records request and will be installing the two new computers. She reminded everyone that the auditors will be here, and each department needs to have their records to the meeting room on Monday. Carla said KCAMP is providing a defensive driving training for all county employees on April 13.

Keith Roe said he attended the legislative meeting in Mankato. He also attended the development meeting.

Ed Duskie said he also attended the legislative meeting. He also attended the Jewell County Council on Aging meeting and has been checking county roads.

Brent Beck said he attended the juvenile detention center board meeting, the hospital board meeting and has been checking county roads.

Anthony Wyatt stopped by with donuts for everyone at the courthouse.

Don Jacobs, sheriff, had a quote to install equipment in the 2017 Ford Explorer (hail damaged). The commissioners approved the bid from JR Audio Emergency Vehicle Outfitter for equipment and installation on the 2017 Ford Explorer for a total of $4,700.00. Jacobs also discussed selling one of the patrol pickups. He provided an incident analysis report for the month. He requested an executive session to discuss non-elected personnel. Regular session resumed with no action taken.

Joel Elkins, general superintendent, discussed road and bridge maintenance.


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