Jewell Christian Church celebrates 150 Years

The Jewell Christian Church was organized in February of 1873. The church will be celebrating its 150th anniversary on April 29 and 30. The church was started with a membership of 21. The starting members were: O. N. Gray, Rosina Gray, H. D. Shackleford, Elnora Shackleford, Samuel Githens, Parmelia Githens, Mary Rowe, Delcinia Palmer, Corinthia Alfrey, J. S. Schoonover, M. W. Schoonover, Sarah White, W. H. Snyder, Kate Snyder, Smith Hann, Sarah Hann, Caroline Winsor, Ella Abram, Mary Abram, Lydia Palmer and Clara Keeler.

Descendants of the Rowe and Hann family are still on the roll. The first meetings were held in homes and other buildings around town.

In 1875, lots were secured from the Jewell Town Company and the first church building was built in 1876, a building 28 by 44 ft. that seated 120 people. A state charter was received in 1878 and renewed in 1978. In 1900, the first church building was moved to the north side of the lot and the present building was constructed.

The belfry and bell from the first church building were used in the new church. The baptistry and north classrooms were added a few years later.

In 1919, the building was extended to the west. That address now houses the present office and classrooms. The basement was excavated and finished for educational and social functions. The improvements of the southwest corner and entry and the new entrance on the southeast corner of the church, enlarging the vestibule and changing the step arrangement into the sanctuary and basement have been the only structural changes since that time. The interior of the church has been well taken care of and improved by kitchen remodeling, new baptistry, new carpets and other improvements as were deemed necessary.

Several revivals have been held over the years. The most notable, those held by Mrs. Hazelrigg and the union services by the Biederwolfs.

The women’s groups were formed in the early years, both the Ladies Aid and the Mission Society. These groups were joined into the present-day Christian Women’s Fellowship in the early 1950s.

The church is having a new anniversary booklet printed including updates of the past 25 years’ history. The booklet will be available at the celebration.

The activities for the celebration start at 5 p.m., Saturday, April 29, at Emerson Lake (alternate site—the Jewell Community Center).

At 5 p.m. there will be a prayer walk around Emerson Lake (there will be a trailer available for those who would like to ride), and games for the children and for those not on the prayer walk. At 6 p.m. there will be a meal of grilled hamburgers and hot dogs provided by the church. At 7 p.m. there will be a song service.

From 8:30 to 9:45 a.m. Sunday, April 30, coffee and rolls will be served in the church fellowship room. Worship service will begin at 10 a.m. (A group picture will be taken immediately after the worship service). At noon there will be a meal at the Jewell Community Center provided by the church. From 2 to 4 p.m. there will be a reception at the Jewell Community Center and from 1:30 to 4 p.m. there will be tours of the Jewell Christian Church.

Please R.S.V.P. to Debra Bohnert if you are planning to attend both meals, or one meal, specifying which meal. Deadline for the R.S.V.P. is Sunday, April 23. You may text Debra at 1-785-545-6376 with the name and number you think will attend, or drop her a note at 105 Grant, Jewell, KS 66949.


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