Superior council okays loans for bowling alley

city council

The sale of Superior Bowl to Deb and Travis May moved a step closer to reality Monday when the Superior City Council approved the Mays’ request for two low interest loans.

With five members of the council present and voting, a request for a loan of $85,000 was approved 4-1. Councilmember Sandra Foote cast the lone no vote. Members Levi Gunn, Rick Disney, Carrie Lime and James Flores voted in favor of loaning the money from an account funded with sales tax receipts.

Councilmember Foote asked if the city’s loan would be secured. She was told the sellers, Nate and Lexi Ssathoff, will hold the first position and the city the second should the loan go into default.

Gunn commented the loan seemed to be a no brainer. In the discussion, it was said the business is selling for 1.8 times gross. The loan for a term of 10 years will have a two percent interest rate.

The Mays plan to move back to Superior from Southwest Kansas. This is their home area and they will be nearer their family.

A second loan of $20,000 from the REDLG fund was approved with no dissenting votes. It will also be used by the Mays to finance the purchase of the bowling ally. It will be for 5 years with 1 percent interest and a 1 percent service fee.

In an earlier item of business, the council approved a request for a special designated liquor license submitted by the Superior Bowl. If approved by the state, it will allow Superior Bowl to manage a wedding reception bar at the Superior City Auditorium on May 20.

The Superior Volunteer Fire Department officers for the coming year were approved. Scott Nondorf will serve as chief and Dalen Tietjen as assistant chief. Captains will be Dallas Doupnik, Nate Johnson, Levi Gunn and Trent Rothchild. President is John Carbaugh. Barney Freitag is vice president, Chris Carter, secretary, and Levi Gunn, treasurer.

Approved rescue squad officers are Camie Kroeger, president, Tammy Gehle, vice-president, TJ Sibert, secretary-treasurer, Carrie Lemke, captain, and Missy Nielsen, lieutenant.

The council finalized the Superior Municipal Swimming Pool staff for the summer season. Additional lifeguards approved Monday were Behlen Bargen, Madison Heusinkvelt, Lincoln Sander, Jada Hemion and Kaitlyn Nielsen. Tierney Casper was also added to the list of assistant managers. Seth Going is returning as manager.

A joint city-county street improvement project was approved. The armor coating of Fifteenth Street between Idaho and the Lost Creek bridge will be renewed. Figgins Construction of Red Cloud will do the work. The city portion of the bill will be $28,764.08.


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