"Can't see the forest for all the trees"

The stain glass windows of the Sacred Heart parish in Lawrence have been well known throughout the state for their beauty. Many folks have made detours on their trips to take the time to admire the windows. The windows are original and came from Germany when the church was built in 1924.

The parish church is currently undergoing a pretty complete restoration in view of the 100th anniversary of the building in 2024.

The quote: "Can't see the forest for all the trees" usually indicates someone so involved in a situation they can't see the final outcome.

That may be just the opposite with the Sacred Heart parish church. Many a person have come away with awe concerning the windows. The colors and presentations just overwhelm a person, and . . . the details are often loss.

As plaster repairs were being done in the church, the contractors often got "close-up" views of the windows and were able to see details lost when viewing from further away.

One such window is that of Jesus with his foster father, Joseph, at the time of the death of Joseph. Not noticed by many from afar, a close up view shows a tear on the face of Jesus.

The windows all have features in them many people miss upon their viewing.

Work on the restoration is progressing. On the last report, it appears most of the plaster repair in the main body of the church is nearing completion. Cost estimates for the flooring are being sought and it was estimated that the painting may start before too long.

The planning committee met a week or so ago with the person doing the interior design and decorating and were given a general review of what is being planned.

While much has been done, a great deal remains to be done.


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