Sen. Murman: Helping deliver conservative victories for LD38 and Nebraska

In November, constituents in Legislative District 38 renewed the mandate I took to Lincoln the first time: to cut property taxes, to defend our constitutional rights, to protect the life and health of the born and unborn, and to promote transparency in government.

I’m excited to say that the 108th Nebraska Legislature has made monumental steps towards all of these goals.

Beginning with property taxes, as a member of the revenue committee, I was able to help shepherd LB783 into the revenue committee’s property tax priority bill. LB783 removes the property tax levy authority from the community colleges, so long as the state upholds their obligation to fully fund and increase their budget by 3.5 percent. With state revenues in such large excess, it’s time to do two things: cut burdensome taxes to cultivate a more promising business environment, and invest what money the state has already accumulated into education. In addition to removing community college levy authority, this downward flow of money should result in relieving property taxes levied by your school district.

On defending our constitutional rights, I am privileged to stand alongside Senator Brewer in his long-standing fight to pass constitutional carry. Our second amendment right in the U.S. Constitution, and the first article of the constitution of the State of Nebraska outlines a clear right for each citizen to keep and bear arms without infringement. Senator Brewer’s bill did not change the longstanding requirement in Nebraska to obtain a firearm purchase permit through your local law enforcement or the requirement to go through a federal background check. This was a great compromise to eliminate unfair requirements to carry while keeping public safety measures in mind.

On Friday, May 19, the legislature passed LB574 which will reduce Nebraska’s far-too-permissive abortion statute from 20 weeks down to 12 weeks gestation. Additionally, LB574 protects children from harmful sex-change surgeries, hormone and puberty blockers, and other unscientific forms of treatment for gender dysphoria. I was proud to be a cosponsor of this legislation. Criticisms were levied against my stance because of my sponsorship of LB374, the Parents’ Bill of Rights and Academic Transparency Act. What I cannot wrap my head around is why opponents of LB574 who also oppose LB374 think that parents should not have a right to view what content is in their child’s classroom or libraries, but do have a right to procure dangerous sex-change surgeries or drugs for their children. I was proud to support LB574 and will continue to support LB374 moving forward.

It’s important to note that several hours of discussions and negotiations went into all of these pieces of legislation. In some cases, I’ve supported legislation that was more conservative, such as the Heartbeat Protection Act (LB626) which fell one vote short. While this was disappointing, I’m thankful that the legislature was able to remain in discussion to pass a bill that moved our state into a more conservative, more pro-life position. Coupled with the business-friendly and tax-burden reducing measures this legislature has taken, it’s safe to say the legislature is delivering several conservative policy victories for all Nebraskans.


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