Amber Epley wins Cow Chip Open Trophy

The Annual Ladies' Cow Chip Open was held Sunday, June 4 at the Lawrence Country Club will 26 golfers in attendance. After a dry spring, the course was blessed with rain the day before the tournament, making conditions perfect for the day. Winning the coveted Cow Chip Trophy was Amber Epley with a two-round total of 78.

Joining Amber in the championship flight was second place Carol Lemke with a 79 and third place Carolyn Kohmetscher with an 83.

First flight awards went to first place Beth Himmelberg (82), second place Linda Kohmetscher (84) and third place to Lisa St. John (85).

Second flight awards went to first place Peg Kohmetscher (85), second place Carla Kohmetscher (92) and third place to Sam Nejezchleb (95).

Third flight awards went to first place Brooke Wolfe (95), second place Julie Bonifas (99), with third place going to Blair Miller (99).

Flag prizes were won by Peg Faimon- longest putt on hole no. 1, Carol Lemke- closest to pin on tee shot on hole no. 2, Carli Cloet- closest to pin on second shot on hole no. 3, Amber Epley- longest drive in fairway (4) on hole no. 4, Linda Kohmetscher- closest to pin on third shot on hole no. 5, Mary Kathman- closest to pin on tee shot hole no. 6, Lanae Meyer- closest to pin on second shot hole no. 7, Lacie Schroer- longest putt hole no. 8, and Carolyn Kohmetscher- closest to pin on third shot hole no. 9.

Door prize drawn by John Himmelberg went to Donna Svoboda. Meal was served by the men officers of the club.

Next year's Ladies Cow Chip will be held Sunday, June 2, 2024.


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