Love my crazy life

Last week was what nightmares are made of. We had swimming lessons all week, and I am still waking up in the night attempting to catch a child as they jump in the pool. I am surprised I haven't awakened George, or gave him a black eye, as I jump in my sleep reaching out into the unknown.

I had planned to get photos of the Pony Express coming through Oak. I rushed around and made it to town 25 hours early. I felt like a moron sitting in my car by the park looking like a drowned rat, wearing my swimming suit from swimming lessons because I was afraid I would be late. After awhile I sent a text to the gal in charge, and realized why no one was there. LOL!

George wanted to take the boat out for Father's Day, so that meant licensing and insuring it, and the trailer it lives on. Also, I forgot to tag the pickup. It was due in March. Oops. All that along with gasoline and a tag for the Park, and I'm broke as a joke.

Not to mention the Mini, and the scooter also needed plates this month. The insurance was due on the scooter, along with both the boys pickups needing tags. The good Lord giveth and Uncle Sam taketh away! LOL!

Since it was Father's Day weekend, Robert was home. He had spent Mother's Day with his dad, so I got Father's Day! LOL. He had a Mother's Day gift sent to me and it came yesterday. A plaque that says Best Mom in the World! I'm always giving the boys a hard time, about how they better remember that I'm the best mom in the world, because they are always dropping crazy stuff on me at the last minute. Somehow I am able to pull off the near impossible and make whatever crazy scheme they have work. A mom's job is a tough one, LOL!

Robert, along with Julia, Robert's girlfriend, and Donald, Robert's friend, arrived on Friday. George and the kids took the boat out Saturday, while I was taking wedding pictures for a friend at the lake. Unfortunately, the boat's maiden voyage didn't last too long, as she refused to run once in the water. So she is back living on the trailer.

Saturday evening we had our big Father's Day cookout with the whole family. It was a nice evening. Julia left for home on Sunday, and Robert and Donald hung out until Monday late afternoon. My refrigerator is bare, although my kitchen is not as messy as I thought it might be. They did a good job of loading and running the dishwasher.

It was a wonderful weekend, although it went by too quickly. X's & O's.


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