Nelson Public Pool has flexible hours

Running a public swimming pool in a small community can be difficult. Number one it is a costly endeavor. Pool chemicals, and equipment are not cheap. Then add in the cost of running and maintaining that equipment, as well as licensing fees. I have seen the budget, versus what the pool actually brings in. It’s enough to give anyone sticker shock.

Then you have wages to pay. If you don’t stay competitive with your wages, workers will find a better-paying job. Also, you are employing teens. Teens have camps, other jobs, school activities, 4-H, siblings they are responsible for during the day and families who want time together and go places in the summer.

Since it is only a seasonal job, the managers have full-time jobs on top of taking care of the pool and their families. It’s a delicate balancing act, to say the least. Even though the pool is a costly endeavor for a small community, it is a necessity. Without it, many of the youth would have nothing to do all summer. The summer of COVID, saw a lot of messes and damage to the parks. At the pool, they are supervised. Swimming is also a good way to keep our youth in shape and healthy.

The pool gives youth a place to interact with their peers outside of the normal school day. Every year, I see youngsters who wouldn’t normally interact with one another, interacting. For a few of the youth, it gives them an opportunity to have that first job and get a feel for what working in the real world is like. They are learning to count change, run a cash register, and complete duties on time. They are learning responsibility, how to be on time, organization and people skills. They learn how to work as a team and get along with other personalities

We do our best to stay open during regular hours, sometimes though, scheduling conflicts arise. Such as a sports camp that pops up after the schedule has been finalized, or a spur-of-the-moment family getaway. Life happens, so the pool closes early. The staff at the pool does their best to stay open, even through rain. When it’s thundering, the swimmers go into the locker rooms until it passes. In the evenings, sometimes not enough swimmers come back to swim. The pool stays open unless there are three children or less.

So if you are coming from out of town, or you are planning to come swim, call the pool staff at 402-225-4211. Let us know you are coming and we will be there.

Regular pool hours are Monday through Saturday 1 to 5 and 6 to 8, Sunday 1 to 5. Adult swim is Monday through Saturday 5 to 6. See you at the pool.


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