Love my crazy life

By Teraesa Bruce

I’m writing poolside today, which sounds a lot better than it is. The flies and the teenagers are driving me absolutely bonkers. LOL! All summer long, I hear, “I wish I worked at a pool and could tan all day.” It sounds way more glamorous than it is, I promise. Just today I dug a big clump of hair out of one of the drains, and a couple weeks ago I fished a baby rabbit out of the pool.

A friend of mine said to me, “I wish I had your confidence. I just don’t feel comfortable running around in a swim suit all day.” I laughed. It honestly has nothing to do with confidence. I’m a chubby girl, who is vertically challenged. I would prefer to wear a one piece suit or at least a tank type suit, but I can’t find any that fit well. If they fit the top, they are too long, and if they fit the length, they don’t fit the top! I could wear a tank top but having wet clothes on all day is uncomfortable, and I choose comfort over fashion every day of my life. So I am just going to be comfortable and cool, and hide from the sun whenever I can in the pool office.

Nicholas is still here, I had honestly thought he would’ve gotten sick of me by now and asked to go home. He said he is a little homesick, and he misses his dog, but he is having fun. He goes home in a couple of days, and that’s probably a good thing. I had somehow forgotten how much teenage boys eat. We are about out of groceries and my pocketbook is just about empty. I’m joking, of course. It has been nice having him here, and I am going to miss him something fierce when he is gone.

I’m having a little buyer’s remorse with my little car. This weekend George replaced the thermostat, and tomorrow evening he is replacing the spark plugs and coil packs. He said I owe him big! I’m a little scared. LOL! He said it’s a pain to work on, I wouldn’t know. Everytime he starts working on the cars, I make myself scarce. It’s safer that way.

We leave Friday to visit Jacob in Texas. I’m excited! We get two whole days with him. I miss that kid so much. Pray for more rain, even though my lawn mower is broken down, we still need it! X’s & O’s.


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