Jewell City Council approves to remove tree in the park

The Jewell City Council met Monday, July 10, at City Hall. Those in attendance were Mayor Darrell Bohnert and council members, Josh Burks, Max Burks, Gaye Daniels, Bob Freeman, Derek Birdsell and Kristie Anderson, city clerk.

Minutes of the June 5 meeting were approved as presented.

Jewell County Sheriff Don Jacobs was absent.

James Reed, code enforcement officer, was absent but provided a written report. Reed continues to work with property owners to abate nuisances.

Kristie Anderson presented the monthly clerk’s report. Anderson said she submitted the 2022 audit to Bruna Auditing. She is preparing for the budget hearing. Anderson also gave an update on the community center and motel reservation for the month of July.

David Knappert was absent but provided a monthly maintenance report. Knappert is waiting for a load of road rock. He told about the projects he is currently working on. It was approved to remove the tree on the north side of the park restrooms.

In other business, Anderson presented the budget draft for review. The council mentioned meeting with Amy to discuss changes in the budget. Anderson also presented the TRF loan payment for approval. Approval was granted. The council approved the J. Howland building permit.


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