Love my Crazy life

What a wild weekend. We took off early Friday morning, with Jacob's girlfriend stuffed in the back seat, and drove 13 hours to San Angelo, Texas. Jacob's schooling is there at Goodfellow Air Force Base, and we needed to be there in time to sign him out for the weekend. Thankfully, he had his barracks clean, and had not gotten in trouble, so he was able to leave. I would have been angry if he had not been able to.

When I think of Texas, I think of lush green wheat fields, longhorns and big cities. Nope, not this part of Texas. It's hot, it's dry and it's sandy. Everything is short: the grass, the trees, the houses, even the buildings. It's like everything wants to stay as far away from the sun as possible. While we were there the temperature was 104º, and that was considered a cold front. LOL!

It reminded me a lot of where we lived in southeastern Colorado. Hot, dry and all the creepy crawlers are poisonous. I only got stung by fire ants a few times. From a glance it's not much to look at, but there is beauty in it. Sometimes I find myself missing it, I loved hiking in the canyons and watching the storms roll in after a long and miserably hot week. Also, I can breathe there, and that's really nice. George even mentioned I hadn't snored, which is huge!

Jacob had rented an Air BnB. I wasn't sure how I would feel staying in someone else's home, but it was really nice. I think that's going to be the way we go in the future. I was able to cook, saving myself from being ill by accidently eating something I shouldn't have. Eating out is really hard when you have so many stupid allergies. There were drawbacks however, Jacob found a lizard in the stool, which is fairly normal for where we were, but it kind of freaked his girlfriend out. The house was overly decorated in roosters. I like roosters, but wow, there was a ton of roosters in that house. LOL!

We stayed the majority of our weekend in the house. It was to hot to go do much of anything, which was fine with me. I needed a break. Before we left, I had put my email on vacation reply, and my phone on do not disturb! Normally I would take my laptop with me and do my best to keep up with everything, but when I say I needed a break, I really did. I am glad that I did because I feel so much better today. I was getting to the point where I was ready to just pack up some stuff, drive until I ran out of gasoline and money and start over. LOL.

We did go out on Saturday, Jacob had a garden that he wanted to show us that was located behind the Welcome Center and along the river walk. It is landscaped beautifully. In the center of the welcome center is a courtyard with a man-made pond. A path leads you down the hill, to a bigger garden with several waterfalls and pools that become small streams. This is the spot Jacob had chosen to propose to his sweetheart, Jessica.

She said Yes! I am happy for the two of them, although at the beginning of their relationship I tried just about everything to keep them apart. LOL! Jessica is the daughter of one of my best friends, and I wasn't too happy about them dating. Simply because I didn't want their relationship, hurting the friendship I had with her mom. I have to admit though, I had a feeling that it was meant to be.

I'm afraid the heat followed us home, it's going to get hot, hopefully not as hot as San Angelo. Pray for those out working in the blazing sun, and pray for rain. X's & O's.


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