Tricky Dr. Miller

When I was growing up in Superior, Dr. H. H. Miller was an older dentist who had his office behind the Security National Bank. He seemed old to me and Editor Blauvelt confirms that he had been in practice in Superior since before WWI. He was a character and I saw him frequently when I worked at Security National Bank in the summers. For a period of time, I went to him for dental work.

I came to him on one occasion because of a problem with a wisdom tooth. He examined me and told me he thought the tooth should be extracted. He explained that our wisdom teeth don’t do a lot of work since they are in the back of our mouth. They are hard to keep clean for the same reason and often get cavities and have to be removed later. He also noted I had no wisdom tooth forming opposite the one he looked at and this would result in an elongated tooth which would also cause problems. That tooth had to go!

I had heard stories of problems with extraction of wisdom teeth and having to chisel them out. I was not anxious to go ahead. Dr. Miller took out an instrument and told me to relax since he was only measuring. I relaxed and out come the instrument with the tooth in it! He had tricked me and it was probably good that he did.

Dr. Miller was always known as “Dr. H. H. Miller.” I was curious about his first name and noted on the dentist license his full name, but I won’t give up his secret even after all of these years.


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