Jewell Apartments directors hear reports

The Jewell Apartments Board of Directors met Monday, Nov. 6, at City Hall.

Attending the meeting were Darrell Bohnert, Josh Burks, Max Burks, Derek Birdsell, Jacque Williams, Kristie Anderson. Gaye Daniels and Bob Freeman were absent.

Williams submitted her report of occupancy and monthly correspondence. She said the bank is going to do a $5 monthly charge on the savings account because of the account dormant. The directors approved to transfer the saving account money over to the checking account. Williams also talked about the inspection from HUD for book keeping records said they passed. Williams talked about two CDARs accounts coming up for renewal this month, a 1 year CDARs and a 6 month CDARS. The directors approved to renew the one year CDARs for $100,000 for a year at 5.25 percent and put the remaining $16,467 in the checking account and to look at different option for the 6 month CDARs.

Bills were approved as presented.


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