
I’ve been spending some time within the medical establishment in the U. S. during the past two months and have learned some things about how the world operates. Two items stand out in the last few weeks: Insurance and 4 x 4’s.

Insurance: Any reader of my words over the age of 65 are pretty familiar with Medicare and the insurance supplements that go with it to help pay for as much of it as possible.

I’ve had my insurance supplements for some time now and assumed most everything was OK. That is, until a month or two back when I got a letter telling me my insurance policy was cancelled. (No reason – it was just cancelled.)

I asked around, but got no good answer except “the insurance company must not have been making enough money here in south-central Nebraska.

I finally found what I think is the correct answer . . . seems a person has to go back to 2015 or so when a person named “Obama” was the so-called president of the U. S. Part of his “fundamental remaking” of America involved many, many changes in the medical field.

Part of those changes involved what we know as supplemental insurance policies. The government gave itself the power to cancel policies wherever there were two or more “Advantage” policies in a county. What was cancelled were the “Cost” policies. Nuckolls County was one of those counties, so all ‘none-Advantage’ policies were cancelled.

Seems that 46 counties in Nebraska had policies cancelled for this reason this year. Why the government waited until now to cancel these policies may never be known as the situation has existed for some time.

The insurance company I had my old policy with did something I don’t know I would have thought of. They basically reissued the old policy under a new name with the word “Advantage” in it. (A few changes were in it as well.)

So, now if the government wants to cancel this policy, they will have to cancel all “Advantage” policies in the state. And . . . they’re thinking the government will not want to do that.

4 x 4’s: Most of you know a 4 x 4 as those little white gauze pads used in the medical field on wounds or cuts to keep the skin clean. Common in most homes and medical facilities.

I’ve probably bored you about Nancy and my recent travels through the medical field recently, mainly involving Nancy ‘s recent surgeries. She is now in a re-hab facility and doing well, and this is where the most recent reminder came of why I don’t want a socialized medicine practice to be forced down our throats.

The following is just a little example of what will be coming if we go to a socialized medicine system.

The surgeon gave permission for Nancy’s leg that had the surgery on to have the brace taken off, washed, and re-wrapped daily. On one occasion, while I was there, she wanted this done and all the workers were busy elsewhere in the facility. So, since I’ve done it many times before, we decided I could do it again.

However, one little problem. All the 4x4 gauze in the room was used up. No problem . . . just asked one of the workers for a few more to get by for a few days.

That’s a problem . . . the worker said, “sure, just a minute.”

We waited, and waited, and . . .

Well, after a while we saw the worker and asked if she got any of the 4x4’s.

“Well,” she said, “I told my supervisor who was going to tell the RN, who would get them to you.”

We finally did get them . . . after quite some time, and the RN did apologize for taking so long, but something delayed her.

I fully understand the reasons for rules in larger medical facilities, I really do. However, why it would take hours to obtain a simple 4x4 gauze pad is beyond my understanding. To me it is just a reminder of what would be coming if we continue to slide further to a socialized medical system.

Rules and regulations are needed for an orderly society, but, when they get to excessive they do nothing but drive up costs and cut down on efficiency.

The “Liberals” in America would like to “fundamentally remake America” as that one former president liked to say. And again, yes there are changes that may need to be made, but change for changes sake is not a good idea.


Since I’m talking about things I probably won’t ever see changed, I might as well talk about another. Because, first of all, it’s about the national media, and secondly it’s because I just heard yesterday the first national presidential primary election (in Iowa) is only six weeks away.

The national media has long put down attempts to strengthen voter election laws and then did not report on infraction of laws already on the books that were broken. Well, since the first primary election is so close, maybe this is a good time to remind everyone that stronger election laws are not only wanted, they are needed.

I cannot get out to investigate these election questions so I rely on people I have trust in. The following was written by a man called Fred Lucas who writes for the Daily Signal. He wrote a book in 2022 in which he told of a number of voter frauds. He says the most common form of fraud is through absentee voting and ballot harvesting. To give examples of what he wrote about:

Connecticut: It seems two Democratic candidates wanted to be mayor of Bridgeport. The incumbent was behind at the end of the day, but the next day, when the absentee ballots were counted, he was ahead. Seems a friend of the mayor was caught on video ‘stuffing’ ballots into a drop box. A re-election is being held. Never heard the national media report on any of this.

Massachusetts: In the last election for mayor of Springfield, one of the candidates was accused of buying votes. Again, a video caught people being dropped off in a black SUV and entering City Hall to vote. After coming out a man takes out what appears to be a large bundle of cash and hands bills to each individual. The man lost, but never heard a word of this from the national media.

Massachusetts: This time in Lawrence, Massachusetts (how about that) people showed up to vote in person and were told they had already voted with a mail-in ballot. Not much news from the national media on that.

Iowa: A lady who lost an election for the House, but won the election for the county board of supervisors is being investigated for signing documents for voters without their permission, obtaining absentee ballots and then voting them, all without the knowledge of the individual.

Texas: The vote in the 2022 election for a city council seat in Laredo was just overturned because some officers with the Laredo Police Department reportedly cast some illegal votes. Three of them were suspended and another retired.

New Jersey: The Paterson City Council Speaker was charged with stealing mail-in ballots during the 2020 election. The charges are the result of investigations of hundreds of ballots alleged to have been stolen, falsified, or improperly delivered.

Voting Fraud . . . yes it is real, and yes we need to be careful to have real protection for the voting system. We need the protection because there is always people who want to circumvent the laws to get what they want. Maybe on the local level, maybe on the national level.



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