Mankato City employees to receive Christmas Bonus

The regular meeting of the Mankato City Council was Dec. 5. Mayor Justin Schoonover was absent. Councilmen present were Sam Becker, Kevin Ost, Rodney Payne and George Hennion appeared via zoom. Councilman Lyle Dauner was absent. Also present were Anthony Roy, city administrator, assistant city clerk, Sharon McCormick, and Darrell Miller, city attorney.

Visitors present were: Shelby Dennard, Stuart Boyles, Cindy Becker and Abby Elkins.

Sam Becker, council president, presided at the meeting in the absence of the mayor and requested that everyone join in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Cindy Becker and Abby Elkins requested the council’s permission to make additional improvements to the walking trail including securing grant funding, if available. Cindy and Abby advised that there was approximately $5,500 in a fund listed as “The Wellness Fund” and that they were making efforts to see that the funds were properly assigned for use within the county. The council advised Cindy and Abby to secure additional information regarding improvements to the walking trail and to return for additional discussion of the issue at a future meeting.

The council discussed the outstanding invoice with Mapes & Miller. Attorney Miller advised that he had not received any additional information from Mapes & Miller and suggested that the matter be tabled until a response is received.

Anthony Roy, city administrator, reviewed the status of the city’s general fund, and advised that it would be necessary to prepare and amended budget and have a budget hearing before the end of the year. The council directed Anthony to proceed and give proper notice of the hearing. The hearing is scheduled for at 6 p.m. on Dec. 26.

The council reviewed the delinquent accounts and RLF loans. A brief discussion was had concerning rental prices to be charged the Mankato Chamber of Commerce for use of city facilities. Because of the absence of the mayor, who was discussing the matter with the Chamber of Commerce, the matter was tabled.

The council discussed the issue of the generator at the armory and referred the matter to the city administrator.

Discussion was had concerning a request for an additional space to be designated as “No Parking” in the 300 block of North Commercial. It was suggested that the property owners come into the city council meeting to provide additional information regarding their request.

The council discussed a request from Solomon Valley Transportation for an electric door opener at the garage where the transportation van is housed. The council approved the request.

The council approved paying each employee a $100 Christmas bonus net after taxes.

Sharon McCormick advised the council of the request by the City of Esbon to use the city’s dog pound. The council determined that this would not be possible and directed the city clerk to advise the City of Esbon.

The statement from Gilmore & Bell for preparations of the bonds to replace the temporary notes was discussed. The council approved paying the bill.

Discussion was had concerning the city’s level pay plan. The city administrator will make an assessment of the plan and report to the council at a later date.

Discussion was had concerning the water tower inspection with no action taken.

The council approved to pay the invoice to Midlands Contracting for the first payment on the sewer project when funds are made available.


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