Lincoln Bank honors Baby Luna's family

For 21 years Union Bank and Trust of Lincoln, Nebraska has been spreading good cheer through a program called Magic Moments. Each year the bank selected 10 individuals or families from Lancaster County to receive a little extra magic during the holiday season.

This year one of those families has a Superior connection.

The following story about the Combs family has been distributed by the bank

“Let me tell you, absolutely nothing — and I mean nothing — prepares you to see your tiny baby post-operation.”~ Courtnee Combs

Meet the Combs family: loving parents Michael and Courtnee; 8-year-old Fox; and little Luna, who’s 3. Life was pretty normal for the family until about a year and a half ago: Michael was working in a brewery, Courtnee was doing hair, Fox was rocking school, and Luna was a busy baby, not yet a toddler. In what seemed like an instant, Michael and Courtnee went from being the parents of healthy kiddos to being the terrified mom and dad of a very sick little girl.

In the summer of 2022, Luna was diagnosed with hepatoblastoma, a rare type of liver cancer that affects fewer than one in a million children. After surgeries, chemo, and a bout with COVID-19, Luna finally got to return home for a bit, sporting a nasogastric, or NG, tube for nutrition and a port for blood draws — too much for a tiny tot — and Luna’s journey was far from over. Her next scan revealed that, while the mass on Luna’s liver had decreased, making a resection possible in most circumstances, its placement on Luna’s little liver was in a critical area, making a transplant the best option.

Navigating the transplant process is tough, but the family persevered through extensive evaluations, Luna’s trip to the ER, Fox’s makeshift birthday party at the hospital when his “real” party had to be postponed, and false hope when the first liver turned out not to be a viable option. But hope prevails, and in October 2022, little Luna underwent the most important surgery of her life. The surgery was long, but successful, and though her stay at the hospital was longer than average, Luna was recovering from the ordeal. She celebrated Halloween and her second birthday with family and her amazing nurses — Luna was used to the hospital, and Mom and Dad were getting used to life with a medically fragile kiddo.

None of them were quite ready for their next big hurdle, though: Too many unexplained sicknesses and trips to the ER landed the family back at UNMC, where they learned that Luna has Post Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorder (PTLD), a complication of her anti-rejection medicine, and that meant more chemo, more tubes, and more time away from home. But Luna took it like a champ; that’s why she’s everybody’s hero. In mom Courtnee’s words, “This tiny human is the definition of strong.”

The stars must have finally aligned just right for Luna, whose name means moon, because in October, she celebrated her first liver-versary and the family has learned that Luna is in remission! Those trips to Omaha will always be on the itinerary, but bright new days are on the horizon, and the family could not be more thankful. Deb Mefferd, Courtnee’s friend and client, nominated the family for a Magic Moment because she believed this heroic foursome deserved some extra joy and magic this season. UBT couldn’t agree more. Together with our amazing partners, we set out to show Luna and her family some holiday love.

Christmas lights are a treasured family tradition, and the Combs clan will be treated to a Magical Lights of Lincoln tour. The family loves movies, crafts, games, outings and Pokémon, so memberships, gift cards and passes to all of their favorite togetherness activities, a stack of new games, and their favorite cards will provide opportunities for much fun and adventure in the year ahead.

While family fun is great, Michael and Courtnee deserve a date night, so we’ve arranged for a date night that includes Jeff Dunham, their favorite comedian! Much-needed car maintenance, tires and gasoline cards guarantee reliable transportation to Luna’s appointments. Hand-picked gifts for each family member ensure they know how special they are, including bedroom furniture and lots of cuddly toys for Luna and Fox.

We’re wishing Michael, Courtnee, Fox, and Luna the season’s very best, and for continued improved health for Luna — stay spunky, Luna! Happy holidays, Combs family


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