Jewell County Commissioners purchase asphalt paving machine

The Jewell County commissioners met Dec. 11. Commissioners Brent Beck, Keith Roe and Ed Duskie were present. Carla Waugh, county clerk, was present for the meeting.

LaVernia Peters, mayor of Formoso and Mark Stenson, council member, discussed the 2024 RAISE (Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity) discretionary grant program notice of funding opportunity for $1.5 billion available in grant funding.

Carla Waugh discussed the Kansas Secretary of State security grant and the TextMyGov proposal.

Commissioners went into executive session to discuss non-elected personnel for the purpose of employee evaluation. Regular session resumed with no action taken.

The commissioners went into executive session a second time to discuss non-elected personnel to review an employee evaluation with Chris Petet. Regular session with no action taken.

Commissioners approved the employment contracts for 2024.

The Commissioners discussed the RAISE grant with Joel Elkins, general superintendent, that the City of Formoso discussed earlier. The commissioners also discussed road concerns. Casey Fraser, Foley Equipment, had a quote for asphalt paving compaction machines which were formerly in a rental fleet. He had quotes for a 2016 CAT CW16 asphalt paving compaction machine of $77,800.00 and a 2020 CAT CW16 asphalt paving compaction machine of $83,337.50. The commissioners asked several questions about the two asphalt pavers. Commissioners approved to purchase the 2016 Cat CW16 Asphalt Paving Compaction machine for $77,800.00.

Commissioners went into executive session to discuss non-elected personnel to review employee evaluation with Joel Elkins. Regular session resumed with Joel Elkins signing his evaluation.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 a.m. The commissioners and the county clerk left to attend the multi-county meeting hosted by Osborne County. Mitchell and Smith counties were also present for the meeting. Phil Murrow, sanitarian, discussed forming a board with each county appointing one commissioners to serve on the board. The board will meet two times per year. Murrow said the application in Republic County was completed. Mitchell County discussed the increase in health insurance premiums and alternative options. Smith and Osborne County are working with Freedom Claims with Jewell County joining them in 2024. The group also discussed solid waste disposal costs of hauling and user fees. Smith County commissioners said they were working on merit based pay. The next meeting will be hosted by Smith County with date and location to be announced.


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