Niobrara Butler-Johnson Chapter, NSDAR meet in Hastings

Niobrara Butler-Johnson Chapter, NSDAR, held their monthly meeting at First St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Youth and Family Center, Hastings, last Tuesday. An interesting program was presented by Alli Trautman on the Hastings Anti Human Trafficking Coalition. Regent Connie Plettner called the meeting to order. The invocation, officer reports and “Minute” reports were given.

The proposed slate of new chapter officers as been completed and submitted to NSDAR.

Discussion was held concerning a proposal made by Linda Fangmeier that the chapter hold a “pancake feed” fundraising event for veterans. Further discussion was tabled for the next meeting.

April is Conservation month. Suggestions were requested for a conservation project for the chapter.

A motion was made and approved at a past meeting to purchase and plant a tree in honor of Honorary State Regent Jacquelyn Wehrman. Discussion was held and the decision was made to purchase and plant a tree at the DAR “Penny Pines” Forest in Nebraska’s National Forest at Halsey.

Thank you letters were received from Zion Classical Academy and Hastings Catholic Schools for the Presidential bookmarks which the chapter presented to fifth grade students in recognition of Presidents’ Day. Bookmarks are annually distributed to schools in six surrounding counties.

National Vietnam Veterans Day will be celebrated Friday, March 29, at the Arch in Kearney. Members are encouraged to attend.

The next meeting will be at noon, Tuesday, April 2, at First St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Youth and Family Center in Hastings. The program will be “Travels to Moldova” by Pamela Lay.


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