Love my crazy life

I completely overdid this weekend and have myself feeling like crud again. We were hosting Easter dinner, and the dust bunnies were beginning to get somewhat aggressive. The last thing I wanted was to serve mashed potatoes a’la’cat hair, so I started cleaning the floors. Then I thought I should dust first. The next thing I knew we were moving furniture.

Since the house was now clean, of course, I had to put out the spring decorations. That meant a trip to the loft above the garage, and of course, nothing is labeled, so after opening every box, twice, because I lost my place, I found the tote of spring decor.

Now that the main floor of the house is kind of spotless, and hopefully I can keep it that way, the plan is to clean the basement next weekend, and the second floor the weekend after that, so it is clean for the wedding. I don’t think anyone is staying here, but just in case. Also, I’m hoping the weather starts acting more spring-like soon, so I can spend my days out of the house. Having the inside in order will make that more enjoyable.

I bought a Dust Buster last week and I honestly think it is the best $50 I’ve ever spent. It works great for cleaning up the pet hair, especially on the stairs and furniture. I just wish the battery lasted longer. The pet hair is everywhere. I love my critters, but I’m thinking hairless pets might be the way to go from here on out. Hairless cats may be ugly, but if it’s ugly cat or yucky house, I’ll take ugly cat!

Speaking of hairless and ugly, we had a bit of excitement here Saturday evening. I was out on the patio, talking to a friend on the phone when George called me from inside the house. I thought that was weird so I opened the door to ask what he needed. I couldn’t see him and he didn’t answer me, so I thought maybe he was in the bathroom and needed a roll of toilet paper. As I’m walking into the house, he yelled, “Bat!” It took me a minute to register why the cat was hissing and why the husband was lying on the floor, but I figured it out pretty quickly. The poor little thing was blindly flying in circles above the couch looking for a way out.

I opened the back door and grabbed the broom, hoping to shoo him out but it soon became apparent I would have to get him out another way. I started trying to knock him down with the broom, without breaking a chandelier, and George was using a couch cushion, and definitely not watching out for the chandelier. I knocked him down four times before stunning him enough to get him outside. I felt so bad for the poor little thing. Evidently, they are getting in somewhere other than where we thought they were, and we have yet another hole to patch.

Pray for rain, X’s & O’s.


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