Grace Lutheran, Fairbury, hosts spring workshop

Members and guests enjoyed a morning of spending time in God’s Word, singing praise, servant event  activities and fellowship during the Deshler Zone Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) Spring Workshop held at Grace Lutheran Church in Fairbury on Saturday, April 13. The theme of the workshop was “Our Future Hope” based on the verse “There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off.” Proverbs 23:18.

Registration began at 8:30 and the group enjoyed breakfast casseroles, fresh fruit, muffins and beverages. An ingathering for Hope Crisis Centers and an offering for the zone treasury were collected at this time.

Vickie Emery of Grace LWML welcomed the 26 members and guests, Pastor Emery and one special baby. There was no shortage of volunteers to hold the baby.

The Rev. Glen Emery, pastoral  counselor and Grace Lutheran  pastor, offered opening devotions. He then presented a Bible study based on the hymn “My Hope is Built on Nothing Less.” He addressed each verse of the hymn and each verse was sung. Ruth Orth served as pianist.

Servant Event Activities included making care cards, organizing and assembling Shelter Welcome Kits and boxing shelter kits-ingathering items for Hope Crisis Centers.

Carolyn Meyer of Centennial,  Superior read proposed By-laws  changes. These will be sent to the NE South District Structure Committee for review and approval. When they are returned, the proposed changes will be voted on at the LWML Deshler Zone Fall Rally.

The LWML Pledge was recited by the group.

Hope Crisis Centers in the area are to be recipients of the In- gathering. Each LWML group contrib- uted specific items for Shelter Welcome Kit supplies. Total resulting  Hope Crisis Center donations include: $893 in donations from members of Grace Lutherancongregation, $800 in Gift Cards, and enough items to assemble 66 Shelter Welcome Kits. Remaining items will also be donated to Hope Crisis Centers.  

The zone treasury offering of $350.46 will be used to cover zone delegate convention expenses. 

Sherry Burger, district president, reminded the group of the LWML Nebraska South District Convention to be held September 13-14, 2024 in Kearney. She encouraged all women to attend. She also reminded all that Nebraska North and South will be hosting the National Convention in 2025 and encouraged those present to consider volunteering in some way. 

The closing devotion was presented by Donna Meyer, Assistant Christian Life. She shared that God is our present hope as well as our future hope, also referencing the hymn “My Hope is Built On Nothing Less.” She closed with prayer.

The workshop closed with the singing of “In Christ Alone.”


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