Love my crazy life

Love my crazy life

By Teraesa Bruce

I really do love my crazy little life, but sometimes I just feel like I need a break from it. I’m sure much of my stress comes from my own “not-so-stable” crazy mind, but nonetheless, a break would be nice. I keep telling myself things will calm down, but they never seem to. I do this to myself, I know, but I don’t know any other way to live but on the edge of a nervous breakdown.

I decided since Robert and Julia ran off in September and got married, we needed to do something to celebrate the two of them. Robert most generally comes home for the Nelson Fun Day, and so I decided that was the day to do it. As the pool manager, that day also happens to be one of the most stressful days of the year for me because the pool is full to the brim, inside and out, and the chance of a mishap is much greater. Then to make it better, my nerves rub off on the lifeguards, and we are all just a stressed-out mess.

So this year, I will be stressing about the pool, and meeting and hoping to make a good impression on my son’s new in-laws, and possibly dealing with my ex-husband. See what I mean by, “I do this to myself!” I’m not a big drinker, but I’m pretty sure when all is said and done, and we are sitting down at the football field for fireworks, I’m going to need a big glass of something.

Typically this time of year, George would have the air conditioner going full blast, and I would be hiding on the patio to keep warm. Not this year, it is a little warm and humid in the house, but I’m not going to openly complain about it. I like the lower utility bills. The other night, it was quite warm, and George decided to run the fan. I had just swept up all the little piles of puppy hair and was quite proud of myself for getting rid of them until he pointed the fan directly at the couch, and more piles of puppy hair blew out from underneath. LOL! It’s never-ending! So now I’m hiding out on the patio to avoid the piles of puppy hair.

I’m also avoiding the pile of laundry and the dishes from last night. I will put things off and put things off until the time they can no longer be put off. I hate that about myself. My life would be much easier if I would just deal with things as they come along. Knowing the problem is half the battle they say, I don’t agree. I know my faults, and still I don’t fix them. It keeps life interesting I suppose. X’s & O’s.


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