My Crazy Life

I’ve been having a rough time with “adulting” the past few days. Maybe it’s the weather that’s got me in a funk, who knows! Robert was home for a bit Saturday and Sunday. He had gone with a friend to Wisconsin to pick up his car, and we happened to “make the cut” for a pit stop on the way back to the base. I miss the kid, and one of these days, I hope he can make a trip home without his tanker crew. Don’t get me wrong, I love those guys too, but I’d like to be able to have some one-on-one with my son from time to time.

We’ve been working in the yards whenever the weather has permitted, and I’m thankful we have. It is going to be mowing season just as soon as this rain quits. I wish I had buffalo grass. It doesn’t get tall, and it’s drought-resistant. It spreads fast, chokes out the weeds and fills itself in. I was not too fond of it when I lived in southeastern Colorado and western Kansas. It’s not a bright green color, and if not watered, goes dormant and looks dead. On the plus side, once it’s established, it’s low maintenance. It’s looking more appealing to me every year!

Jacob has had his driver’s license for a couple of weeks now. In the first week of having it, he hit a pothole and popped the tire off the bead. He said he has no idea how that happened. I know how this happened! In fact, we all know how it could have happened! “I am not dumb!” LOL! This is exactly why we can’t have nice things! (Shaking my head!) Oh well, at least it wasn’t a serious accident, and he hopefully learned a lesson. However he will be driving on a donut until he either fixes the tire or purchases a new one. He hates driving on the donut, and said the car drives weird with it on. At least this way I don’t have to worry about him going too far.

My house, like my life, is a chaotic mess! One thing I hate about working from home is that my housekeeping flaws are everpresent! I used to be a crazy, organized, clean freak. These days I’m just a crazy freak who daydreams of a clean and organized home. It gets a good scrub once a week, but the mess accumulates so quickly. It’s like small towns along the highway; you blink and miss it! In the case of my house, I clean a room, go clean another, come back to the first room, and it’s a cluttered disaster again! I’d blame it on a gremlin, but I’m afraid I’m the gremlin in this case. Until next time, X’s & O’s.


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