Love my Crazy life

I’m so excited! We are going to visit Robert at Fort Riley this weekend. I have no idea what we will do, but I told him not to plan anything too extravagant since the traveling and hotel room have more than broken my summer budget. LOL! He said something about going to the lake. That sounded nice and relaxing to me. It’s not supposed to be quite as hot, but there is a chance of thunderstorms. I hope that changes and we have clear skies.

Jacob’s ship date was moved up, so he will leave for basic training in late August instead of September. It’s only a couple of weeks, but it still feels much closer than it did before. He’s going in on the buddy program, which means he is shipping out with a friend. I’m happy that he will have someone he knows with him. This way, they help each other stay accountable and encourage each other when they feel like they can’t go on. I’m not ready for him to leave, but I can’t change it.

We haven’t accomplished much on the Money Pit in the last month. We are lucky to get the yard mowed and the laundry done most weeks. We still haven’t gotten that weed eater to run, George gave it his best, but I think we need to bite the bullet and buy a new one. I bent the blade on the rider. I got too close to the water shut off; by too close, I mean I ran right over it. No worries, the shut-off is fine. Not sure about the mower yet. I’m a little embarrassed to take it over to Kelly... again!

Being the pool manager has not been all that fun the last couple of days. Early yesterday morning, a friend texted me saying that water was spraying everywhere when she went by on her morning run. I didn’t get that message until later and was expecting the worse. Thankfully it was a sprinkler head in the yard gone awry. Next was the plumbing for the skimmer pump. Thankfully, John and Chris were available and had it fixed right away. Next on the list to go wonky was the chemical panel. That one is still a mystery, but I know Arlan will get it resolved soon. In the time being, I am doing things the old fashion way, which means lots of trips to the pool and lots of checking the water so we can stay open.

So if you see me all grumpy with bags under my eyes, mind your business, LOL; the glamorous pool life is taking its toll. X’s & O’s.


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