My two cents on Roe v Wade

Roe v Wade is all anyone seems to be talking about right now. There seems to be no blurred line on this topic; you are either for or against abortion. It is my understanding that the decision to allow or not allow abortion will now be left to the individual states. Before I give my personal opinion on the subject, I want to make one thing clear; I am not for or against abortion. I have never had to make a choice between myself or my unborn child. I would like to think I would never choose to end the life of my child, but without actually being in that situation, I can not say for sure. All I know is I would consult my maker before making a decision of that magnitude. I would never judge another person for their choice. As a Christian, I was taught that judgment should be left for he who made us.

With that said, here is my view on the situation. I don’t think this ruling has anything to do with babies. If it did, they would fix the foster care system and regulate abortions, allowing them in certain situations, case by case. Let the doctors decide if it is warranted or not. This should not even be something the government has a hand in. We live in a “free” country and are supposed to have the freedom to choose our own healthcare. No, it has nothing to do with babies.

It’s another stepping stone to see how much freedom the “powers that be” can take from us—a smoke screen to draw our attention away from something more substantial. Call me a conspiracy theorist; I don’t mind. I call it as I see it, and from where I sit, things don’t look good for us here in the land of the “free.”


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